11 Interactive and Web Applications

“A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good.”

- Martin LeBlanc, Iconfinder cofounder

11.1 Introduction to GUIs

It is possible to create R GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) that allow users to interact with software using graphical icons and point-and-click operations. The interactive control components of a GUI are called widgets. The following are some commonly used GUI widgets:

  • button: typically a GUI controller for binary (e.g., on/off or run/don’t run) operations.
  • radiobutton: A controller allowing selection from a group of mutually-exclusive options which are linked to specific operations.
  • checkbutton: A controller that allows selection binary of multiple mutually-exclusive options, and is often linked to a second variable, allowing flexible rendering of a secondary set of widgets.
  • spinbox: Provides a “spin-able” set of mutually exclusive options that can be selected and linked to operations.
  • combobox: A text field with a popdown selection list.
  • slider: A sliding controller that defines the numeric value of a linked variable that changes uniformly over some range.
  • message box: A message window that typically prompts a user response and a corresponding linked operation.
  • scrollbar: A modifiable viewport for a scrollable object (e.g., text that can be examined line by line).
  • pulldown menus: Interactive menus with pulldown tabs and menubuttons that specify operations, potentially including links to other GUIs.

R allows building of GUIs to run functions and interact with graphics using a number of methods and language frameworks.

R GUIs are are a mixed bag. On the plus side, R GUIs: 1) increase user-friendliness by allowing point and click operations, 2) allow rapid visual assessment of alteration to function arguments via widgets, 3) are often very amenable to graphics manipulations, and 4) are often very useful for data exploration or heuristic demonstrations. On the other hand, R GUIs: 1) often result in a loss of flexibility in controlling functions, 2) may contain a visually confusing mish-mash of widgets, and 3) constitute mysterious black boxes, which is contrary to the “mission statement” of R (Chambers 2008). Further, command line (non-GUI) code entry allows an exact record of characteristics given to objects, and specifications provided to functions. This allows straightforward tracking, dissemination, and repeatability of computational analyses.

Despite potential drawbacks, I will explore three methods for generating GUIs, named for the principal R packages allowing their implementation: tcltk, plotly, and shiny.

11.2 tcltk

The R distribution package tcltk (pronounced: tickle tee kay) allows building of GUIs by providing a binding wrapper for Tcl/Tk, which denotes the Tcl language via its Tk toolkit (Ousterhout 1991)111. In programming, binding refers to an application programming interface (API) that provides glue code to allow a programming language to implement a foreign language or software package (Wikipedia 2024f). Python bindings for Tcl/Tk are provided by the Python library tkinter which is included in the Python standard library of packages. Much better support exists for tkinter than tcltk. Additionally, many non-Tcl/Tk approaches exist for GUI building in Python, although they are not included in the Python standard library.

Lack of guidance for the tcltk package is likely due to the absence of a large user group. Assistance for the creation of tcltk GUIs can be found in several older articles from R News (which has since been replaced by the R Journal) (Dalgaard 2001, 2002; Fox 2007), the book “Programming GUIs in R(Lawrence and Verzani 2018), and in the GUI code for a number of newer R packages, including Rcmdr (Fox 2005; Fox, Marquez, and Bouchet-Valat 2023) and asbio (Aho 2023). Despite these resources, however, it is expected that users refer to the Tcl/Tk package manual for argument lists and descriptions of tcltk functions. Arguments in tcltk functions (generally) have the same names and functionality as their Tcl/tk equivalents, although some experimentation may be necessary.

Tcl/Tk itself is cross platform, and uses facilities particular to the underlying OS. These are Xlib (X11) (a windowing system, written in C, for bitmap displays) for Unix/Linux, Cocoa for Mac OS, and the Graphics Device Interface (GDI) for Windows.

So-called Themed Tk (Ttk) GUIs often have advantages over older Tk GUIs, including anti-aliased font rendering, and have been a part of the Tk distribution since Tcl version 8.5. Naming conventions in tcltk indicate whether functions are binding for Tk or Ttk operations. The former function names start with tk, while the latter start with ttk.

Notably, tcltk GUIs that use or manipulate R graphics devices, particularly those with slider widgets, may work poorly with the native RStudio graphics device: RStudioGD. Thus, to run these sorts of GUIs in RStudio, one should open a non-RStudioGD device using:

dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE)

Example 11.1 \(\text{}\)
The binding mechanisms of tcltk can be viewed by examining underlying code from some its seminal functions. The tcltk function tcl() provides a generic interface for calling any Tk or Tcl command112. Indeed, many other tcltk commands are simply calls to tcl().

We see that tcl() calls .Tcl.objv() whose arguments, in turn, are formatted by .Tcl.args.objv().

function (...) 
<bytecode: 0x000001b7b06d9018>
<environment: namespace:tcltk>

The function .Tcl.objv() calls an underlying C algorithm, .C_dotTclObjv(), using .External() that ostensibly binds tcl() to Tcl/Tk.

function (objv) 
structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), class = "tclObj")
<bytecode: 0x000001b7b06dc608>
<environment: namespace:tcltk>

The tcltk C executable (Section 9.1), tcltk.dll, is housed in the tlctk package libs/x64 directory (Ch 10).

DLL name: tcltk
Filename: C:/Program
Dynamic lookup: FALSE


Example 11.2 \(\text{}\) As an initial foray into tcltk GUI-building we will create a button interface whose only purpose is to provide a message, and a means for destroying itself.

tt <- tktoplevel()
hello <- tkmessage(tt, text = "Hello world!")
spacer = tklabel(tt, padx = 20)
DM.but <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Exit", foreground = "red",
                   background = "lightgreen", padx = 10,
                   command = function() tkdestroy(tt))
tkpack(hello, spacer, DM.but)
  • On Line 1, I load the tcltk package.
  • On Line 2, I use use tktoplevel() to hierarchically define the “top level” widget as the object tt.
  • On Lines 3-4, I create a text message object, hello, and a spacer object, spacer. That latter is used to make room between the message and a button created in the next two lines of code.
  • On Lines 5-6 the button widget object DM.but is created, using the function tkbutton(). The first argument is name of parent widget, tt. The text argument provides a text label for the button. The arguments foreground, background, and padx are used to define the foreground color (the color of the button text label), the background color of the button, and to make the button wider, respectively. The command argument defines the function that the button initiates. In this case, the function tkdestroy(), which destroys the GUI.
  • On Line 8, tkpack() is used to place the button on the parent widget.

The GUI itself is shown in Fig 11.1.

A simple *tcltk* GUI.

Figure 11.1: A simple tcltk GUI.


11.2.1 Assigning and Manipulating Widget Values

It is often useful to “remember” object characteristics and assignment values over the course of a GUI’s usage. For example, it may be necessary to count the number of times a button is pressed, or display a particular message based on a previous response. Because GUI actions will be carried out by local variables in functions, modifications to those variables will be lost when the function exits. While not usually good practice, one can use the super assignment operator <<- inside a function to create global variables. These will retain their values after the function exits.

The tclVar() function can be used to create an empty or specific values, which can then be used in call to other functions in the tcltk package. For example, to specify an empty tclVar() value, one could use:

myvar <- tclVar('')

To access myvar information in widgets with R one could then use:

rmyvar <- tclvalue(myvar)

Conjoined use of the super-assignment operator with tclVar() and tcl() is often very important when altering object parameters within tcltk functions.

11.2.2 User functions and tcltk GUIs

Callbacks are functions that are linked to GUI events. In tclk these functions can be user-defined, although they should not have arguments. Callbacks, user defined or otherwise, are generally executed using the command argument in a widget function. Recall, for example, use of tkbutton(tt, command = functiton() tkdestroy) in Example 11.2. In general, a callback function foo() is called using command = foo() or command = substitute(foo()). Use of substitute(foo()) allows substitution of variable values in foo(). Calling a function bar() from within the callback foo() may require coding similar to foo <- function(){substitute(bar())}. See, for instance, asbio::anm.ci.tck().

Example 11.3 \(\text{}\)
Consider the following silly example for finding the sum of two numbers.

tt <- tktoplevel()
tw1 <- tclVar(''); tw2 <- tclVar('')
tke1 <- tkentry(tt, width = 6, textvariable = tw1, justify = "center")
tke2 <- tkentry(tt, width = 6, textvariable = tw2, justify = "center")

sumf <- function(){
  temp <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tw1)) + as.numeric(tclvalue(tw2))
  tkconfigure(ans, text = paste(temp))

ans <- tklabel(tt, text = '', background="white", relief = "sunken", padx = 20)
tkgrid(tke1, tklabel(tt, text = '+'), tke2, tklabel(tt, text = '='), ans)
tkgrid(tklabel(tt, text = ''), columnspan = 5)
tkgrid(tkbutton(tt, text = 'Get Sum!', foreground = "red",
                   background = "lightgreen", command = sumf),
       columnspan = 5, sticky = "e")
  • On Line 1, I use tktoplevel() to define the “top level” widget.
  • On Line 2, I specify empty initial values for the variables tw1 and tw2 using tclVar(). These values will be editable by users via tkentry() widgets.
  • On Lines 3-4, I use the function tkentry() to provide widgets for users to enter numbers to be summed.
  • On Lines 6-9, I create the function sumf. The function tclvalue(), used to compute the summation object temp, allows Tcl variables from tclVar() to be evaluated in R. These variables, however, will have class character, and will require as.numeric(), as shown, for mathematical evaluation. One Line 8 (the final line of code in sumf, tkconfigure() is used to potentially change ans, a tkentry() object defined on Line 11.
  • On Line 11, the tkentry() object ans is created and an initial empty value is assigned.
  • On Lines 12-16, widgets are placed in the GUI using tkgrid(). The use of grid geometry approaches including tkgrid() is elaborated next. The tkbutton widget in the final (bottom) grid of the GUI calls the sumf using either command = sumf, as shown, or command = substitute(sumf()).

The resulting GUI is shown in Fig 11.2.

A simple *tcltk* GUI, demonstrating the use of `tclVar()` and `tclvalue()`.

Figure 11.2: A simple tcltk GUI, demonstrating the use of tclVar() and tclvalue().


11.2.3 GUI Geometry

An important consideration in GUI development is geometry management, e.g., the dimensions of the GUI and the organization of widgets. By default, Tcl/Tk GUI windows are autosized to hold widgets as they are added. Widgets may be reorganized as the sizes of windows are altered. If a Window becomes too small to contain widgets, the last widget added will be the first removed.

The initial size of GUIs can be specified using the function tkcanvas(). The result of the code below is shown in Fig 11.3

tt <- tktoplevel()
tktitle(tt) = "Wide GUI"
dim <- tkcanvas(tt, height = 30, width = 500)
A *tcltk* GUI whose initial width was specified using `tkcanvas()`.

Figure 11.3: A tcltk GUI whose initial width was specified using tkcanvas().

Three different geometry managers are available in Tcl/Tk for inserting widgets in GUIs. These are called: placer, packer, and grid manager. The placer tool is seldom used in GUI creation (Dalgaard 2001). Thus, we will concentrate on GUI construction using packer and grid manager approaches. Only one of these approaches is generally used in the creation of a GUI. The initial Examples 11.2 and 11.3 use simple applications of packing and grid management, respectively. Packing

The function tkpack() packs widgets around the edges of a conceptual cavity. Control of this process is provided by the side, which has options: "left", "right", "top" or "bottom".

Example 11.4 \(\text{}\)
Note the result of the code below (Fig 11.4).

tt <- tktoplevel()
edge <- c("top","right","bottom","left")
buttons <- lapply(1:4, 
                  function(i) tkbutton(tt, text = edge[i],
                     background = "lightgreen", foreground = "red"))
for (i in 1:4)
tkpack(buttons[[i]], side=edge[i], fill = "both")
  • On Line 1, the top level widget is designated.
  • On Line 2, a character vector is created, containing all the possible side options for the function tkpack().
  • On Lines 3-5, a four item list is generated containing four tkbutton widgets.
  • In Lines 6-7, buttons are accessed from the buttons list and packed, in order, at the specified locations "top", "right", "bottom", and "left". The argument fill = "both" ensures that the buttons will occupy all of their allocated parcels with respect to the tkpack() conceptual central cavity. Because the top button was specified first, it takes up the entire top of the GUI. The right button, codified next, occupies the entire right-side of the GUI, except for the area now occupied by top, and so on. If an object does not fill its parcel it can be anchored to a GUI location using the tkpack() argument anchor. This is accomplished by specifying compass-style values like "n" or "sw" which place a widget the middle top, and bottom left of the parcel, respectively. The default option is anchor = "center".
A demonstration of the result of packing using `tkpack()`. Code follows [@dalgaard2001].

Figure 11.4: A demonstration of the result of packing using tkpack(). Code follows (Dalgaard 2001).


Example 11.5 \(\text{}\)
Calculator construction is often used as a pedagogic exercise in computer programming. As an extended example of packing using tkframe(), we will build a tcltk calculator GUI. For this example I am indebted to lecture notes for a 2011 statistical programming course at UC Berkeley.

The most important coding concept used here is the pairing of the base R functions parse() (which converts a string to an expression) and eval() (which evaluates an expression). This combination allows the mathematical evaluation of a character string. Consider the string "9 * 3". The mathematical solution can be obtained using:

txt = "9 * 3"
eval(parse(text = txt))
[1] 27

Our calculator GUI will require three functions: mkput(), clearit(), and docalc(). Each of these functions creates a global variable, calcinp, using the super assignment operator, <<-, that provides input to the calculator. Further, in all three functions, tkconfigure() is used to change the calculator’s display, based on input from the GUI calculator keys.

calcinp <- ''

mkput <- function(sym){
          calcinp <<- paste(calcinp, sym, sep='')
            tkconfigure(display, text = calcinp)
  • On Line 1 in the chunk above, calcinp is initially set to be an empty character string, i.e., calcinp <- ''.

  • On Lines 3-8, the callback function mkput is defined. Note that mkput itself contains an argument-less function. This allows mkput to have an argument, sym, while satisfying the tcltk requirement for argument-less callbacks. The code on Line 5, calcinp <<- paste(calcinp, sym, sep=''), generates a global, updated form of calcinp, that combines an older calcinp value with a new calculator key specification, sym. The resulting string is placed in the display using tkconfigure().

  • The callback function clearit below, clears the display (Line 10), and redefines calcinp as an empty string (Line 11).

clearit <- function(){
      tkconfigure(display, text = '')
      calcinp <<- ''
  • The callback function docalc below, evaluates the general eval(parse(text = calcinp)) framework created by key entry, and provides exception handling in the case of key stroke errors by using if(class(result) == 'try-error'); calcinp <<- 'Error' on Lines 15-16. Importantly, the function try() (Line 14) will assign the class try-error to an expression that fails.
docalc <- function(){
      result = try(eval(parse(text = calcinp)))
      if(class(result) == 'try-error')
        calcinp <<- 'Error'
      else calcinp <<- result
      tkconfigure(display, text = calcinp)
      calcinp <<- ''

We call these three functions in the GUI itself, which is generated in the code below (Lines 21-60).

  • The largest calculator code component defines the form and arrangement of calculator key (27-60). Note that buttons are packed, by row, using tkpack() within tkframe() objects. All button widgets use command = mkput except for the clear key, which uses command = clearit, and the equals key, which uses command = docalc.
base <- tktoplevel()

display <- tklabel(base,justify='right',background="white",
                   relief="sunken", padx = 50)
row1 <- tkframe(base)

row2 <- tkframe(base)

row3 <- tkframe(base)

row4 <- tkframe(base)

row5 <- tkframe(base)

A slightly modified form of the GUI (with colored buttons)113 is shown in Fig 11.5.

A Tcl/Tk calculator GUI generated using the **R** package *tcltk*.

Figure 11.5: A Tcl/Tk calculator GUI generated using the R package tcltk.

The Python library tkinter provides a well supported binding resource for Tcl/Tk. As we know (Ch 9) Python code can be run in R, using the package reticulate. Fig 11.6 shows an analogous calculator the one shown in Fig 11.5, generated in R via the Python script calc.py, which is contained at the book website. It is important to note that while the resulting GUI is generated below in an RStudio R chunk, via reticulate, the code and engines for running the GUI are Python, and thus, do not actually require R.


The function reticulate::source_python() allows one to access Python source code.

A Tcl/Tk calculator GUI generated using Python code via the Python binding library *tkinter*. Code follows a Python demo at the the [geeksforgeeks](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-simple-calculator-using-tkinter/) website.

Figure 11.6: A Tcl/Tk calculator GUI generated using Python code via the Python binding library tkinter. Code follows a Python demo at the the geeksforgeeks website.

\(\blacksquare\) Grid Manager

Use of tkpack() and tkframe() provides a great deal of flexibility for creating GUI layouts. They are, however, insufficient for handling a number of issues including lining widgets up vertically and horizontally. The grid manager function tkgrid() can be used to lay out widgets in rows and columns using the arguments column and row. Importantly, column = 0 and row = 0 equate to the first column and first row, respectively, in a GUI or container widget. Additional important tkgrid() arguments include columnspan, rowspan, and sticky. The latter argument is analogous to side in tkpack().

Example 11.6 \(\text{}\)
The callback function below creates a single large blue dot in an R graphics device whose vertical position can be altered with a slider widget.

plot.me <- function(){
  y <- evalq(tclvalue(SliderValue)) # Evaluate the expression
  plot(1, as.numeric(y),xlab = "", ylab = "%", xaxt = "n", ylim = c(0,100),
       cex = 4, col = 4, pch = 19)

The operation evalq(foo), (Line 2) above, is equivalent to eval(quote(foo)). The operation quote(foo) simply returns the argument foo as an object of class “call”.

The GUI code below uses grid geometry to place widgets in specified GUI rows and columns.

if(names(dev.cur()) == "RStudioGD") dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE)

slider.env <<- new.env()
tt <- tktoplevel(); tkwm.title(tt, "Slider demo")
SliderValue <- tclVar("50")
SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(tt, text = as.character(tclvalue(SliderValue)))
tkgrid(tklabel(tt, text = "Slider Value: "),
       SliderValueLabel, tklabel(tt, text = "%"))
tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = SliderValue)

slider <- tkscale(tt, from = 100, to = 0, showvalue = F,
                  variable = SliderValue, resolution = 1,
                  orient = "vertical", command = substitute(plot.me()))

tkgrid(slider, column = 0, row = 1, columnspan = 2)
message = tkmessage(tt, text = "Move the slider to see changes in the plot")
tkgrid(message, column = 3, row = 1)
  • On Line 6, I insure that the interactive will work in the RStudio system by creating a non-RStudio graphics device if the default device is "RStudioGD". The code should work inside and outside of RStudio.
  • On Line 8, I create an environment for the slider widget using new.env().
  • On Line 9, I use use tktoplevel() to hierarchically define the “top level” widget as the object tt, and make a title.
  • On Line 10, I define 50 as the initial value for the slider widget that will be created.
  • On Line 11, a Tk label is created based on the slider output. Note the pairing of tclVar() input and tclvalue() output. In this process, the SliderValueLabel label object is configured to make its value equal to the SliderValue object.
  • On Lines 12-13, the SliderValueLabel is inserted between two text strings in a grid geometry.
  • On Lines 16-18, the slider is parameterized using the function tkscale(). The use of substitute() allows substitution of values for variables bound in the plot.me() function.
  • On Line 20, the slider is placed into the GUI at column 0 and row 1 (the first column and second row).
  • On Lines 21-22, a message is created and placed on the GUI at column 3 and row 1 (the fourth column and second row).

The form of the final GUI is shown in Figure 11.7.

A *tcltk* GUI for manipulating an **R** plot.

Figure 11.7: A tcltk GUI for manipulating an R plot.


Example 11.7 \(\text{}\)
Here is another grid manager example with a radiobutton GUI that allows selection of a bacterial phylum and printing of "Correct", "Incorrect" text in the console, based on the button selection. It also embeds a photo.

tt <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(tt, "Bacterial phyla")
tkgrid(tklabel(tt, text = "Which phylum is shown?", padx = 5,
               pady = 5, font = "bold"), column = 1, row = 1)

values <- c("Acidobacteriota", "Armatimonadota",
            "Caldisericota", "Cyanobacteriota",
            "Elusimicrobiota", "Spirochaetota",

var <- tclVar(values[0]) # initially, no phyla selected

tkimage.create("photo", "cyano", file = "figs11/cyano.gif")

callback <- function() ifelse(tclvalue(var) == "Cyanobacteriota",

lf <- ttkframe(tt)
sapply(values, function(x) {
  radio_button <- ttkradiobutton(tt, variable = var,
                                 text = x, value = x,
                                 command = callback)

 tkgrid(radio_button, pady = 0, padx = 5, sticky = "nw",
        column = 1, rowspan = 1)

tkgrid(tklabel(tt, text = ""), sticky = "n", column = 1,
       row = 9, columnspan = 1)
l <- ttklabel(tt, image = "cyano", relief = "ridge")
tkgrid(l, sticky = "nw", rowspan = 10, column = 2,
       row = 0, pady = 25, padx =  10)
  • On Line 1, the top level widget, tt, is designated.
  • On Line 2, a GUI title is created.
  • On Lines 3-4, the text “Which phylum is shown?” is placed in the column 1, row 1 position, using the grid manager function tkgrid().
  • On Lines 5-9, a character vector of bacterial phylum names is created for use in the GUI.
  • On Line 11 the initial phylum selection is specified. The use of tclVar(values[0]) means that no selection will be initially designated.
  • On Line 13, the function tkimage.create() is used to import a photo with .gif formatting (currently the only accepted format). The first argument "photo" indicates that an image will be created from a photo. The second argument creates an object name for the import, "cyano" that will called in later code.
  • On Lines 15-17, a callback function, callback() is created to print the text "correct" if Cyanobacteriota is selected, and print "incorrect" if some other selection is made.
  • On Line 19, an embedded frame is created to hold the radiobuttons.
  • On Lines 20-27, sapply() is used to run a user-defined function that embeds radiobuttons for each level in the character vector values.
    • On Line 21-23, the function creates an object radio_button using ttkradiobutton(). Note that the top-level path name, tt is given as the first argument, the initial radiobutton designation is given in the second argument, the arguments text and value will change levels in vaues change. the function callback() is called using the ttkradiobutton() command argument to respond to the selected radiobutton.
    • On Lines 25-26, radiobuttons are stacked, one row at a time, using tkgrid(), as sapply() cycles through levles in values.
  • On Lines 29-30, an aesthetic empty row is created at the bottom of column one create some additional space.
  • On Lines 31-32, the object l is created from the function ttklabel() to hold the image object cyno, created on Line 13.
  • On Lines 33-34, the image is embedded into the entirety of column two.

The final form of the GUI is shown in Fig 11.8.

A radiobutton *tcltk* GUI. Photo from CSIRO, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3548094

Figure 11.8: A radiobutton tcltk GUI. Photo from CSIRO, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3548094


11.2.4 Widget Modifications

Tcl/Tk provides shared modification settings for many of its widgets. These include the standard arguments foreground (the widget foreground color, see choices here), background (the widget background color), image (an image to display in the widget)114, relief (the 3D appearance of the widget), font, and text (a text string to be placed in the widget), among many others. Be aware, however, that standard Tk widget modifiers may not always align with Ttk modifiers.

Example 11.8 \(\text{}\)

Here is an example of a GUI with working (but non-functional) widgets that allows demonstration of relief, background, and foreground color options for different types of widgets.

types = c("flat", "groove", "raised", "ridge",
          "solid", "sunken")
bg = c("beige", "AntiqueWhite1", "aquamarine4", "burlywood3")
fg = c("BlueViolet","aquamarine3", "white", "black")
base = tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(base,"Widget Styles")

cnames <- tkframe(base)
tkpack(tklabel(cnames, text = "Labels", font = "bold"),
       side = "left", padx = 3)
tkpack(tklabel(cnames, text = "Buttons", font = "bold"),
       side = "left", padx = 17)
tkpack(tklabel(cnames, text = "Radiobuttons", font = "bold"),
       side = "left", padx = 0)
tkpack(tklabel(cnames, text = "Sliders", font = "bold"),
       side = "left", padx = 22)
tkpack(cnames, side = "top", fill = "both")

mkframe <- function(type){
  fr <- tkframe(base)
  tkpack(tklabel(fr, text = type, relief = type, 
                 fg = fg[1], bg = bg[1]),
         side = "left", padx = 5)
  tkpack(tkbutton(fr, text = type, relief = type, 
                 fg = fg[2], bg = bg[2]),
         side = "left", padx = 30)
  tkpack(tkradiobutton(fr, text = type, relief = type, 
                 fg = fg[3], bg = bg[3]),
         side = "left", padx = 10)
  tkpack(tkscale(fr, from = 0, to = 10, showvalue = T,
                 variable = 1, resolution = 1,
                 orient = "horizontal",
                 relief = type, fg = fg[4], 
                 bg = bg[4]), side = "left", padx = 14)

  tkpack(fr, side = "top", pady = 5)

sapply(types, mkframe)

See Fig 11.9.

Standard widget modifications. Relief styles are varied within each widget type, and background and foreground colors are varied among widget types.

Figure 11.9: Standard widget modifications. Relief styles are varied within each widget type, and background and foreground colors are varied among widget types.


11.2.5 Additional tcltk Packages and Toolkits

Several R packages have been developed to streamline and extend the capacities of the tcltk package. These include fgui (Hoffmann and Laird 2009) and PBSmodelling (Jon T. Schnute, Couture-Beil, and Haigh 2023; Jon T. Schnute et al. 2013) which provides wrappers for some Tcl/Tk routines to simplify and facilitate GUI creation. The gWidgets2 package has ambitiously sought to create R simplifying binding frameworks for several GUI toolkits including GTK, qt, and Tcl/Tk115. Currently, however, only the gWidgets2 port for tcltk, called gWidgets2tcltk, is working. The gWidgets2tcltk package is currently used to build interactive self test questions for the pedagogic statistics package asbio (Fig 11.10).

A self-test GUI using the *gWidgets2tcltk* function `gcheckboxgroup`. For GUI code type: `fix(selftest.typeIISS.tck1)`.

Figure 11.10: A self-test GUI using the gWidgets2tcltk function gcheckboxgroup. For GUI code type: fix(selftest.typeIISS.tck1).

A number of Tcl/Tk extensions for R are available from the SciViews family of packages (Grosjean 2024), including svDialogs (an attempt at creating standard cross-platform dialog boxes), svGUI, and tcltk2. These packages, however, have not been updated (at least on CRAN) for several years.

11.3 JS and JSON Interactive Apps

Many newer interactive R applications are designed and implemented using JavaScript116 (JS) or JavaScript Object Notation117 (JSON). GUIs generated from these approaches are often embedded in HTML118 format, and thus can be viewed from web browsers.

There are several widely used R packages for generating these sorts of apps. The two most popular are plotly and shiny.

  • plotly creates interactive HTML/web graphics via the plotly.js JS library for interactive charts.

  • shiny is a package designed by RStudio developers that utilizes other packages, chiefly htmltools and htmlwidgets.119 to provide direct interfaces between HTML embedded GUIs and R.

The next two sections of this Chapter will focus on these packages and approaches.

11.4 plotly

The package plotly (Sievert 2020), uses the R package jsonlite, which provides an R binder for JSON. JSON code is read by the JS library plotly.js to create interactive HTML embedded graphics (Fig 11.11). Charts resulting from this process are interactive under a standardized plotly format, although they don’t represent GUIs in a conventional sense.

A graph from @sievert2020 that shows the process of creating an HTML-embedded plotly chart from a graph generated in **R**.

Figure 11.11: A graph from Sievert (2020) that shows the process of creating an HTML-embedded plotly chart from a graph generated in R.

Example 11.9 \(\text{}\)

To provide a simple demonstration I bring in some libraries, including plotly, and the world.emissions data from package asbio.

library(tidyverse); library(plotly)
library(asbio); data(world.emissions)

subset <- world.emissions |>
  filter(country %in% c("United States", "Mexico", "China",
                        "Germany", "Russia", "Canada")) |>
  filter(year > 1950 & year <= 2019)

Plotly graphs are rendered using the function plot_ly().

plot_ly(subset, x = ~year, y = ~co2) |>
  add_lines(color = ~country) |>
        yaxis = list(tickfont = list(size = 20),
                     title ='CO\U2082 (million tonnes)',
                     titlefont = list(size = 23)),
        xaxis = list(tickfont = list(size = 20),
                     titlefont = list(size = 23)),
        legend = list(font = list(size = 20))
  • On Line 8, I call plot_ly(). Note the use of the tilde operator to call x and y axis variables, i.e., x = ~year, y = ~co2.
  • On Lines 9-18, I call additional plot characteristics using tidyverse pipe operators.
    • On Line 9 I use add_lines() to add a line trace to the plot.
    • Plot characteristics can be modified in a large number of ways using lists within the function layout (Lines 10-18).

The result is shown in Fig 11.12. If you are viewing this document as an HTML, the lines in the plot will be interactive, and the plot will contain a menu that allows summarization of single or multiple data points, panning and zooming.

Figure 11.12: Simple plolty chart with an interactive trace and standard plotly menu.


11.4.1 ggplot and plotly

Ggplot2 objects can be converted (imperfectly) to plotly objects using the function plolty::ggplotly(). Unfortunately, a large number ggplot layout characteristics including figure margins and locations of \(x\) and \(y\) axis labels will not translate to ggplotly(). Instead, we must call on potentially exhaustive hierarchically nested list components. This can be a pain, and it may be expedient to build separate list or function objects to facilitate the process.

Example 11.10 \(\text{}\)

To illustrate I extend the previous example. First, I create a nested list object, k, that specifies desired margin and axis characteristics.

k <- list(
  yaxis = list(title = list(font = list(size = 18)),
               tickfont = list(size = 14)),
  xaxis = list(title = list(font = list(size = 18)),
               tickfont = list(size = 15)),
    margin = list(t = 20, r = 20, b = 80, l = 80))

Here I create a simple ggplot boxplot, g. To get the desired characteristics in the mapped plotly graph I call on list components in k within plotly::layout(). Fig 11.13 shows the result.

g <- ggplot(subset, aes(x = country, y = co2)) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill = country)) +
  theme_classic() +
  ylab("CO\U2082 (million tonnes)") +

ggplotly(g) %>%
  layout(showlegend = FALSE, xaxis = k$xaxis, yaxis = k$yaxis,
         margin = k$margin)

Figure 11.13: Simple plolty barplot based on a ggplot.


Example 11.11 \(\text{}\)

Here is another application using the function GGally::ggcoef() to create a coefficient plot. A coefficient plot displays statistical model parameter estimates and confidence intervals. We can make the plot interactive (in HTML) using ggplotly() (Fig 11.14).

model <- lm(log(co2) ~ country + year,
            data = subset)

gg <- ggcoef(model,
             exclude_intercept = TRUE,
             errorbar_height = .1,
             color = "blue") +

ggplotly(gg) %>%
  layout(yaxis = list(tickfont = list(size = 15),
                       title ='',
                       titlefont = list(size = 18)),
          xaxis = list(tickfont = list(size = 15),
                        title='Parameter estimates',
                        titlefont = list(size = 18)),
           legend = list(font = list(size = 15))

Figure 11.14: Coefficient plot from the function GGally::ggcoef(), rendered using ggplotly().


11.5 shiny

Probably the easiest and most flexible way to create interactive HTML apps is through tools in the package shiny. Unlike ploty apps, shiny apps will allow real-time interfacing with R for computations. RStudio has internals to facilitate shiny app creation for embedding on webpages. Examples given here are often based on apps described in Hadley Wickham’s book Mastering Shiny (Wickham 2021).

A shiny app will have three components:

  • A user interface (ui) specification that defines how your app looks.
  • A server function that defines how your app works. The function will (generally) have three arguments input, output, and session.
  • An app execution call that conjoins the user interface and server functions. This is done with shinyApp()

Example 11.12 As a first example, here is R code for rendering text in an HTML app (Fig 11.15).

ui <- fluidPage(
  "Hello, world!"
server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
A very simple *shiny* app. Code follows @wickham2021mastering.

Figure 11.15: A very simple shiny app. Code follows Wickham (2021).

  • ui: shiny::fluidPage() is a layout function that defines the basic visual structure of the app (Lines 1-4). Among other things the function allows definition of app rows using shiny::fluidRow(), and columns (within rows) using shiny::column(). Fluid pages can rescale their components in real-time to fill the available GUI window width.
  • server: For this simple example the server function contains no commands (Lines 5-6). Although, as a matter of convention, the server arguments: input, output, session are still included.
  • shinyApp: The app function pairs the ui/server objects (Line 7).


One can open an R script with a shiny app skeleton in RStudio by going to File\(>\)New File\(>\)Shiny Web Application. This will allow RStudio to recognize the script as app code. This, in turn, allows running the app by either sending its code to the console (e.g., using Ctrl + Enter), or by using the Run App button in the Shiny Web Application toolbar.

Example 11.13 Here is a simple app that lists and provides details about datasets in the package asbio (Fig 11.16).

ui <- fluidPage(
  selectInput("dataset", label = "Dataset",
              choices = data(package = "asbio")$results[,3])
server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
  • ui: fluidPage() includes shiny::selectInput(), an input control function that provides the user with a select box widget. An appropriate label "Dataset" is defined. Selection box choices are the third column in data(package = "asbio")$results, which contains the names of the dataframe object names in asbio.
  • server: Once again, the server function contains no commands (Lines 5-6).
  • shinyApp: The app function again pairs the ui/server objects (Line 7).

A *shiny* app to allow scrolling through *asbio* datasets.

Figure 11.16: A shiny app to allow scrolling through asbio datasets.

The app in Fig 11.16 has limited usefulness because it provides only the asbio dataframe object names. Indeed, we could get more information by simply running data(package = "asbio"). Here we insert additional features into the user interface and server to increase functionality (Fig 11.17).

adata <- data(package = "asbio")$results[,3]
data(list = adata[1:length(adata)]) # loads all asbio datasets

ui <- fluidPage(
  selectInput("dataset", label = "Dataset", choices = adata),

server <- function(input, output, session){
    output$summary <- renderPrint({
    dataset <- get(input$dataset)

  output$table <- renderTable({
      dataset <- get(input$dataset)

shinyApp(ui, server)
  • The code data(list = adata[1:length(adata)]) loads all the asbio datasets into the global environment (Line 2).

  • ui: fluidPage() now specifies three features, which will occur from top to bottom app, as they are listed (Lines 4-8).

    • The functionsshiny::verbatimTextOutput() (Line 6) and shiny::tableOutput() (Line 7) are controls that define how and where output (depending on the order they are specified in fluidPage()) are displayed. Specifically, verbatimTextOutput() displays code, and tableOutput() displays tables.
  • server: The server function has been modified to allow interaction with the user interface (Lines 10-20). It allows generations of two objects: output$summary (Line 11) and output$table (Line 12), based on input$dataset from the ui.

    • output$summary (lines 10-14) is a rendered expression from shiny::renderPrint(). In particular, this will be output from summary() (Line 13) for columns in input$dataset which is made available in the object dataset on Line 12. The output operation is coupled with verbatimTextOutput("summary") in the ui.
    • output$table (Lines 16-19) is a rendered expression from shiny::renderTable(). It will show the raw data in a scrollable table for the dataframe specified in the ui. This output operation is coupled with tableOutput("table") in the ui.
  • shinyApp: As before, we generate the app using: shinyApp(ui, server) (Line 22).

A modified *shiny* app to provide summaries of scrollable *asbio* datasets.

Figure 11.17: A modified shiny app to provide summaries of scrollable asbio datasets.


11.5.1 ui Details

Input widget functions are specified in the ui. A ui input function, e.g., selectInput() with first argument "foo", or with inputId = "foo" can be called by server operations using the script input$foo. Most input functions have a 2nd argument called label that creates a user-readable label for the control widget on the app. A The 3rd input argument is typically value which creates a starting value for the widget control. Fig 11.18 shows many of the standard shiny ui input functions (without output). Important ui import functions are also listed Table 11.1.

A variety of *shiny* input widgets and operations that can be specified in the `ui`. By row, the figure depicts widgets generated by the functions: `actionButton()`, `submitButton()`, `checkboxInput`, `checkboxGroupInput()`, `dateInput()`, `dateRangeInput()`, `fileInput()`, `helpText()`, `numericInput()`, `radioButtons()`, `selectInput()`, `sliderInput()`, and `textInput()`. Also see Table \@ref(tab:uii).

Figure 11.18: A variety of shiny input widgets and operations that can be specified in the ui. By row, the figure depicts widgets generated by the functions: actionButton(), submitButton(), checkboxInput, checkboxGroupInput(), dateInput(), dateRangeInput(), fileInput(), helpText(), numericInput(), radioButtons(), selectInput(), sliderInput(), and textInput(). Also see Table 11.1.

Table 11.1: Some important shiny ui input functions.
Function Purpose
actionButton(), actionLink() Creates an action button or link.
submitButton() Create a submit button.
checkboxInput() Create a checkbox to specify logical values.
dateInput() Create a selectable calendar.
dateRangeInput() Create a pair of selectable calendars.
fileInput() Create a file upload control to upload one or more files.
helpText() Create help text which can be added to input to provide additional information.
numericInput() Create an input control for entry of numeric values
radioButtons() Create a set of radio buttons to select item from a list.
selectInput() Create a selectable list, from which single or multiple items can be selected.
sliderInput() Constructs a slider widget to elect a number, date, or date-time.
passwordInput Create an control for entry for passwords.
textInput() Create an input control for unstructured text. Output

Output functions in the ui create placeholders that can filled by the server function. As with inputs, outputs require a unique ID. For instance, in Fig 11.19, which provides a simple summary of the asbio::world.emissions dataset, output$code and output$text generated in the server are placed in the fluid page using textOutput("text") and verbatimTextOutput("code").


US <- world.emissions |>
  filter(country == "United States")

ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$text <- renderText({
    "Summary of the US CO\u2082 data \n"
  output$code <- renderPrint({

shinyApp(ui, server)
A simple app providing a single descriptive statistics summary.

Figure 11.19: A simple app providing a single descriptive statistics summary.

Table 11.2 lists some potential ui output functions that can be used in shiny apps.

Table 11.2: Some important shiny ui output functions.
Function Purpose
downloadButton(), downloadLink() Create a download button or link. To be paired with downloadHandler() in server.
htmlOutput(), uiOutput() Create an HTML output element.
imageOutput(), plotOutput() Create a plot or image output element. To be paired with renderPlot() and renderImage(), respectively, in server.
outputOptions() Set options for an output object.
modalDialog(), modalButton() Create a modal dialog interface.
showNotification(), removeNotification() Show or remove a notification.
textOutput(), verbatimTextOutput() Create a text output element. To be paired with renderText() and renderPrint(), respectively, in server.
urlModal() Generate a modal dialog that displays a URL.

11.5.2 server Details

As noted earlier, the server function requires three arguments: input, output, and session. The input argument allows assembly of items from the ui front-end to create a list-like object. The output argument in server provides output for ui inputs, often via rendering and handling functions (Table 11.3).

Table 11.3: Some shiny server rendering and handling functions.
Function Purpose
downloadHandler() Create a download button or link. To be paired with downloadButton() and downloadLink() in ui.
renderPlot(), renderImage() Create a plot or image output element. To be paired with imageOutput() and plotOutput(), respectively, in ui.
renderText() , renderPrint() Create a text output element. To be paired with textOutput() and verbatimTextOutput(), respectively, in ui.

Fig 11.20 shows an app with sliders inputs, generated using the function sliderInput() in the ui, and text (product) output which is provided to the ui from the server, via renderText().

ui <- fluidPage(
  sliderInput("x", label = "If x is", min = 1, max = 50, value = 30),
  sliderInput("y", label = "And y is", min = 1, max = 50, value = 30),
  "then x times y is",

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$product <- renderText({
    input$x * input$y

shinyApp(ui, server)
A simple slider app.

Figure 11.20: A simple slider app.

11.5.3 Running shiny Apps in R Markdown

Unlike plotly graphics, shiny apps are not automatically interactive in an R markdown rendered document. However, it is easy to a make shiny app interactive in this setting (provided that R is open to run the app). One simply adds runtime:shiny to the R Markdown YAML header. Thus, the YAML header in R markdown should have the format of Fig 11.21. Note that this approach will now be possible under Bookdown.

YAML header to allow inclusion of *shiny* apps in an **R** Markdown generated HTML.

Figure 11.21: YAML header to allow inclusion of shiny apps in an R Markdown generated HTML.

Some adjustments to R and Markdown code may be needed (e.g., figure margins in renderPlot() may need to be changed) to make apps fit nicely on a page. A shiny app will only work remotely (outside of an R session) if a server implementing R is used to implement the app’s code. This process will be detailed at the end of the chapter.

11.5.4 Reactive Programming

We can increase efficiency in Shiny apps using reactive programming wherein outputs automatically update as inputs change. Under reactive programming we specify interactive dependencies so that when an input changes, all related outputs are automatically updated. The code below results in the app shown in Fig 11.22. Note that the output updates ``reactively’’ as I type individual characters of my name.

ui <- fluidPage(
  textInput("name", "What's your name?"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$greeting <- renderText({
   paste0("Hello ", input$name, "!")
shinyApp(ui, server)
Reactive behavior of a simple *shiny* app.

Figure 11.22: Reactive behavior of a simple shiny app.

Reactive programming usually occurs in more complex settings than the previous example and requires the function reactive.

Example 11.14 \(\text{}\)
As an extended example, imagine we wish to rapidly examine green house emissions data for the fifty countries in the asbio::world.emissions dataset with the highest current populations. As a first step, we do some data tidying and create a stats summary callback function we will use later.

not.redundant <- world.emissions |> filter(continent != "Redundant")

pop.max <- not.redundant |>
  group_by(country) |>
  summarise(max.pop = max(population)) |>

# names of 50 largest countries
country_names <- setNames(nm = pop.max$country[1:50])

# 50 largest countries data
top50 <- not.redundant |>
  filter(country %in% pop.max$country[1:50])

# summary stats
summarize <- function(x, rn = c("CO2", "CH4", "NOx", "total GHG")){
    mean <- apply(x, 2, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = T))
    max <- apply(x, 2, function(x) max(x, na.rm = T))
    sum <- apply(x, 2, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = T))
    n <- apply(x, 2, function(x) length(which(!is.na(x))))
    df <- data.frame(mean = mean, max = max, cumulative = sum, n = n)
    row.names(df) <- rn
  • ui: We define a relatively complex ui that will provide sufficient inputs and outputs for the server function.
ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel(h1("Greenhouse gasses", align = "center")), #h1 = HTML heading
      selectInput("country", choices = country_names, label = "Country")
    column(4, tableOutput("diag")), # table
  br(), # line break
    column(12, plotOutput("plot")) # plot
  • Note that we use the fluidRow() layout function. Shiny app rows, created with fluidRow(), contain twelve columns. These can be divided up in various ways using shiny::column()(Fig 11.23).
  • The functions htmltools::br() and htmltools::h1() are HTML tags from the package htmltools, which is imported by shiny. The h1() function creates a first level heading. Thus, it is equivalent to the HTML operator <h1>. The br() functions equates to an HTML line break tag, i.e., <br>. A list of HTML equivalent tags is provided in ?htmltools::builder.
  • The function plotOutput() allows input of interactive R graphs, including ggplots (see below).

Behavior of *shiny* app rows and columns, in the `ui`. Figure taken from @wickham2021mastering.

Figure 11.23: Behavior of shiny app rows and columns, in the ui. Figure taken from Wickham (2021).

  • server:: The server function contains several new features, including use of the function reactive().
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  selected <- reactive(top50 %>% filter(country == input$country))

  output$diag <- renderTable(
  summarize(select(selected(), co2, methane, nitrous_oxide, total_ghg)),
  colnames = TRUE, rownames = TRUE

  output$plot <- renderPlot({
  selected() %>%
       ggplot(aes(year, co2)) +
       geom_line() +
       labs(x = "Year",
            y = expression(paste(CO[2], " emissions (", 10^6, " tonnes)")))
  • The code:
selected <- reactive(top50 %>% filter(country == input$country))

provides a data subset for a particular country that only needs to be calculated once, and then re-used. This also allows spontaneous (as possible) interaction with the ui with respect to this choice. The reactive object selected is called several times, as a function, in the server function. - The object output$plot <- renderPlot() will be a ggplot generated from selected() which will be called by plotOutput("plot") in the ui.

  • shinyApp: As before, we generate the app using:
shinyApp(ui, server)

The final form of the app is shown in Fig 11.24.

A *shiny* app to graphically depict changing CO$_2$ levels over time for a user-selected country.

Figure 11.24: A shiny app to graphically depict changing CO\(_2\) levels over time for a user-selected country.


Example 11.15 \(\text{}\)
Wickham (2021) used \(t\)-test computations to demonstrate reactive programming as shown (with some modifications) below. We first delineate two callback functions we wish to use in the app.

freqpoly <- function(x1, x2, binwidth = 0.1, xlim = c(-3, 3)) {
  df <- data.frame(
    x = c(x1, x2),
    group = c(rep("x1", length(x1)), rep("x2", length(x2)))
  ggplot(df, aes(x, colour = group)) +
    geom_freqpoly(binwidth = binwidth, linewidth = 1) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim)

t_test <- function(x1, x2) {
  test <- t.test(x1, x2)
    "p-value: %0.3f \nCI for µ1 - µ2: [%0.2f, %0.2f]",
     test$p.value, test$conf.int[1], test$conf.int[2]

The function t.test() runs \(t\)-tests for true normal population means. In particular, assuming \(X_1 \sim N(\mu_1, \sigma^2_1)\), \(X_2 \sim N(\mu_2, \sigma^2_2)\) we generally consider the hypotheses:

\[\begin{align*} \text{H}_0: \mu_1 &= \mu_2 \\ \text{H}_\text{A}: \mu_1 &\neq \mu_2 \end{align*}\]

By default, t.test() does not assume homoscedasticty (that is, it allows \(\sigma^2_1 \neq \sigma^2_2\)). Thus, it uses the Satterthwaite method to estimate degrees of freedom for the null \(t\)-distribution of the test statistic (Aho 2014). The GUI we will create will run \(t\)-tests on randomly generated data from two user-specified normal distributions x1 and x2.

The function sprintf() in t_test() uses C code to return a formatted combination of text and variable outcomes. The code below combines text and inputs for double precision values (indicated with f) for \(p\)-values, and bounds for a 95% confidence interval for a true mean difference. The code %0.3f indicates rounding to three significant digits. As before, the code \n creates a text line break.

  • ui: we use the function numericInput() to specify characteristics of the normal distributions under consideration. The sliderInput() function is used to specify x-limits in app-rendered ggplot frequency plot.
ui <- fluidPage(
      "Distribution 1",
      numericInput("n1", label = "n", value = 200, min = 1),
      numericInput("mean1", label = "µ", value = 0, step = 0.1),
      numericInput("sd1", label = "\u03c3", value = 0.5, min = 0.1, step = 0.1)
      "Distribution 2",
      numericInput("n2", label = "n", value = 200, min = 1),
      numericInput("mean2", label = "µ", value = 0, step = 0.1),
      numericInput("sd2", label = "\u03c3", value = 0.5, min = 0.1, step = 0.1)
      "Frequency polygon",
      numericInput("binwidth", label = "Bin width", value = 0.1, step = 0.1),
      sliderInput("range", label = "range", value = c(-3, 3), min = -5, max = 5)
    column(12, plotOutput("hist"))
    column(5, verbatimTextOutput("ttest")),
    column(3, actionButton("simulate", "Simulate!")),
  • server: In the server we use reactive programming to generate random samples from a normal distribution. Specifically, for the object x1 we obtain a random sample of size input$n1 from a normal distribution with a mean of input$mean1 and a standard deviation of input$sd1. These parameter values are specified in the ui.
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  x1 <- reactive({input$simulate
        rnorm(input$n1, input$mean1, input$sd1)})
  x2 <- reactive({input$simulate
        rnorm(input$n2, input$mean2, input$sd2)})

  output$hist <- renderPlot({
    freqpoly(x1(), x2(), binwidth = input$binwidth, xlim = input$range)
  }, res = 96)

  output$ttest <- renderText({
    t_test(x1(), x2())

- shinyApp: As before, we generate the app using:

shinyApp(ui, server)

The final form of the app is shown in Fig 11.25.

A *shiny* app to demonstrate the mechanism of $t$-tests.

Figure 11.25: A shiny app to demonstrate the mechanism of \(t\)-tests.


11.5.5 Additional Layout Control

We have already learned about techniques like fluidRow() to control single page layouts in fluidPage(). Another popular HTML layout uses side panels. These can be implemented in the shiny ui using the functions sidebarLayout() and sidebarPanel(). Sidebar formatting is summarized in Fig 11.26.

Sidebar formatting for *shiny*. Figure taken from @wickham2021mastering.

Figure 11.26: Sidebar formatting for shiny. Figure taken from Wickham (2021).

Example 11.16 \(\text{}\)
Here is an example for displaying a normal distribution using sliders in sidebars.

  • ui: The user interface specifies a sidebar layout, using sidebarLayout(), that contains a sidebar panel designated with sidebarPanel, and a main panel, designated with mainPanel().

ui <- fluidPage(
   titlePanel(h1("Normal Distribution", align = "center")),
         sliderInput("mu", "\u03BC", step = 0.2, min = -3,
                     max = 3, value = 0),
         sliderInput("sigma", "\u03C3", min = 0.5, max = 3,
                     value = 1), width = 4
  • server: The only output from the server is a base R plot of the normal PDF.
server <- function(input, output, session) ({
   xmin <- -4; xmax <- 4; ymin <- 0; ymax <- 0.8
   xx <- seq(xmin, xmax, length = 100)

   output$plot <- renderPlot({
       yy <- dnorm(xx, input$mu, input$sigma)
       plot(xx, yy, type = "l", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(ymin, ymax),
            xlab = expression(italic(x)),
            ylab = expression(paste(italic(f), "(", italic(x), ")", sep = "")),
            cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2, lwd = 1.4)

} - shinyApp: As before, we use shinyApp() to generate the app.

shinyApp(ui, server)

The final form of the app is shown in Fig 11.27.

A *shiny* app for demonstrating the normal distribution.

Figure 11.27: A shiny app for demonstrating the normal distribution.

Interestingly, the app appears less reactive than an analogous plot GUI generated with tcltk. Compare the app from Fig 11.27 to asbio::see.norm.tck().

\(\blacksquare\) Multi-page Apps

Complex apps may be impossible to fit onto a single page. In shiny, the simplest way to break a app page into multiple pages is to use tabsetPanel() and tabPanel(). Wickham (2021) that does not provide widget output because of its empty server (Fig 11.28). In the ui a tabset panel is generated using tabsetPanel(). This entity has three panels, each is generated using tabPanel(). Only the first panel "Import data" currently contains content.

ui <- fluidPage(
    tabPanel("Import data",
      fileInput("file", "Data", buttonLabel = "Upload..."),
      textInput("delim", "Delimiter", ""),
      numericInput("skip", "Rows to skip", 0, min = 0),
      numericInput("rows", "Rows to preview", 10, min = 1)
    tabPanel("Set parameters"),
    tabPanel("Visualise results")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
A *shiny* multipanel example.

Figure 11.28: A shiny multipanel example.

A tabset can be an input when its id argument is used. This allows an app to behave differently depending on which tab is currently visible (Fig 11.29).

ui <- fluidPage(
        id = "tabset",
        tabPanel("panel 1"),
        tabPanel("panel 2"),
        tabPanel("panel 3")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$panel <- renderText({
    paste("Current panel: ", input$tabset)
shinyApp(ui, server)
Tabs for a multi-page app.

Figure 11.29: Tabs for a multi-page app.

Because tabs are displayed horizontally, there is a limit to their number. The functions navlistPanel(), navbarPage(), and navbarMenu() provide vertical layouts that allow more tabs with longer titles (Fig 11.30).

ui <- fluidPage(
    id = "tabset",
    "Heading 1",
    tabPanel("panel 1", "Panel one contents"),
    "Heading 2",
    tabPanel("panel 2", "Panel two contents"),
    tabPanel("panel 3", "Panel three contents")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
A multi-page app with vertical tabs.

Figure 11.30: A multi-page app with vertical tabs. Layout Themes

Customization of the general shiny layout can be obtained by utilizing or modifying Bootstrap120 themes and classes. These can include layouts specific to mobile apps (see package RInterface) and Google’s material design frame (see package shinymaterial).

Here we use the "darkly" bootswatch (Fig 11.31). Other choices include "sandstone", "flatly", and "united".

ui <- fluidPage(
  theme = bslib::bs_theme(bootswatch = "darkly"),
      textInput("txt", "Text input:", "text here"),
      sliderInput("slider", "Slider input:", 1, 100, 30)
      h1(paste0("Theme: darkly")),
      h2("Header 2"),
      p("Some text")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
A *shiny* app using the `darkly` bootswatch from Bootstrap.

Figure 11.31: A shiny app using the darkly bootswatch from Bootstrap.

Further control of shiny apps can be achieved by programming directly in HTML, CSS, and Java121. In fact, HTML code in uis is revealed by running ui functions directly in the R console (Fig 11.32).

Representation of *shiny* code as HTML code.

Figure 11.32: Representation of shiny code as HTML code.

11.5.6 plotOutput Interactives

One of the perks of plotOutput() is that it can be an input that responds to mouse pointer events. Such controls are also possible with tcltk GUIs. A shiny plot can respond to four different mouse events: click, dblclick (double click), hover (i.e., the mouse stays in the same place), and brush (a rectangular selection tool).

Example 11.17 \(\text{}\)
Consider the following simple example:

US <- world.emissions %>% filter(country == "United States")

ui <- fluidPage(
  plotOutput("plot", click = "plot_click"),

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    par(mar = c(5,5,2,2))
    plot(US$year, US$co2, xlab = "Year",
         ylab = expression(paste(CO[2], " (",10^6, " tonnes)")), type = "l")
  }, res = 96)

  output$info <- renderPrint({
    x <- round(input$plot_click$x, 2)
    y <- round(input$plot_click$y, 2)
    cat("[year = ", x, ", CO2 = ", y, " million tonnes]", sep = "")
shinyApp(ui, server)

Note the use of req(), to ensure the app doesn’t do anything before the first click. The resulting app is shown in Fig 11.33.

A mouse interactive *shiny* app.

Figure 11.33: A mouse interactive shiny app.

Here we use nearPoints() to return a dataframe for a point near a mouse click.

US.ghg <- data.frame(US[,c(3,4,10,11,12,14,15)])

ui <- fluidPage(
  plotOutput("plot", click = "plot_click"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    par(mar = c(5,5,2,2))
    plot(US.ghg$year, US.ghg$co2, xlab = "Year",
         ylab = expression(paste(CO[2], " (",10^6, " tonnes)")),
         type = "l")
  }, res = 96)

  output$data <- renderTable({
    nearPoints(US.ghg, input$plot_click,
               xvar = "year", yvar = "co2")
shinyApp(ui, server)

The resulting app is shown in Fig 11.34.

Another mouse interactive *shiny* app.

Figure 11.34: Another mouse interactive shiny app.


11.5.7 Putting Your App Online

A shiny app will only work remotely (outside of an R session) if a server implementing R is used to call the app’s code. RStudio helps with this by housing a shiny server site shinyapps.io (Fig 11.35). The site is currently free of charge for a relatively small number of personal applications.

The *shiny* apps website (https://www.shinyapps.io/).

Figure 11.35: The shiny apps website (https://www.shinyapps.io/).

My personal shinyapps.io account is shown in Fig 11.36.

My personal *shiny* apps website, with three apps.

Figure 11.36: My personal shiny apps website, with three apps.

The account houses links for some apps summarizing the green house gas data, and the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.

11.6 Comparison of GUI-generating Approaches

Three R GUI-building approaches were described in this chapter. The package tcltk uses the Tcl/Tk GUI building tools alongside the native windowing capacities of Windows, Unix-like, and Mac operating systems. The plotly and shiny libraries render GUIs under an HTML framework. A comparative summary of the three approaches is given in Table 11.4.

Table 11.4: Comparison of the three approaches for GUI generation in R introduced in this chapter.
Mechanics Strengths Weaknesses
tcltk Package provides binding for Tcl/Tk GUI building tools. 1) Direct interfacing with R, 2) Excellent GUI reactivity, 3) Wide range of widgets. 1) Limited to R environment, 2) GUIs may have poor aesthetics, 3) Awkward coding frameworks, 4) Poor support online or otherwise.
plotly Package provides language interfacing from R to JSON to HTML. 1) After generation, does not require R, 2) Some built-in ggplot compatibility. 1) GUI capabilities limited to plot interactives.
shiny Language interfacing from R to JSON to HTML. Maintains connection to R environment. 1) Good support online and otherwise, 2) High level of RStudio compatibility, 3) Potentially aesthetic GUIs, 4) Straightforward coding, 5) Wide range of widgets. 1) Requires direct connection to an R session, or server connection to an R environment, 2) Potentially poor reactivity.


  1. Make a tcltk GUI that solves and reports the solutions to differential equations.

  2. Make a plotly graph of any gglot2 graph using ggplotly.

  3. Make a shiny app to greet someone. Hint: place the two code chunks below in the ui and the server function, respectively.

textInput("name", "What's your name?")
output$greeting <- renderText({paste0("Hello ", input$name)})
      Make the app interactive inside an R Markdown rendered document.
      Along with the code, include a snapshot of the app in action.

  1. Your friend has designed an app that solves the exponential growth function for a population with an initial population size of 10, and an intrinsic growth rate of 2, for times, \(t\), from 1 to 50: \[f(t) = 10 \times \exp(2 \times t).\]
ui <- fluidPage(
  sliderInput("t", label = "If t is", min = 1, max = 50, value = 30),
  "then the population size is",
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$exp.growth <- renderText({10 * exp(2 * t)})
shinyApp(ui, server)
      Does the function generate an error? Why?
      Fix the code and provide a snapshot of the app in action.