5 Welcome to the Tidyverse
“Data is like garbage. You’d better know what you are going to do with it before you collect it.”
- Mark Twain, 1835 - 1910
5.1 The Tidyverse
This chapter demonstrates the data management capabilities of the tidyverse (Wickham et al. 2019). Thus, Chapter 5 can be considered a tidyverse reconsideration of Ch 4. The tidyverse is currently a collection of eight core packages (Fig 5.1). These are:
- dplyr Grammar and functions for data manipulation.
- forcats Tools for solving common problems with factors.
- ggplot2 A system for “declaratively creating graphics”, based on the book The Grammar of Graphics (Wilkinson 2012).
- purrr An enhancement of R’s functional programming (FP) toolkit.
- readr Methods for reading rectangular data.
- stringr Functions to facilitate working with strings.
- tibble A “modern re-imagining of the data frame.”
- tidyr A set of functions for “tidying data.”

Figure 5.1: The main packages of the tidyverse.
The tidyverse library also contains several useful ancillary packages, including lubridate, reshape2, hms, blob, margrittr, and glue. While installing tidyverse will result in the installation of both main and ancillary packages, loading the tidyverse will result only in the complete loading of the eight main tidyverse packages.
Importantly, this chapter is not meant to be an authoritative summary of the tidyverse. Coverage here is mostly limited to the core data management packages magrittr, tibble, dplyr, stringer, and the ancillary packages lubridate and reshape2. The tidyverse ggplot2 package is the major focus of Chapter 7. Wickham, Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Grolemund (2023) provides a succinct but thorough introduction to the tidyverse in the open source book R for Data Science. Useful tidyverse “cheatsheets” can be found here.
The tidyverse packages can be downloaded using:
5.2 Pipes
An important convention of the tidyverse is the widespread use of the forward pipe operator: |>
. In programming, a pipe is a set of commands connected in series, where the output of one command is the input of the next56.
In many cases, use of pipes allows clearer representations of coding processes57. Incidentally, the |>
pipe, from the base package, is motivated by an older forward pipe operator from the tidyverse package magrittr, %>%
. As of R 4.1, the native pipe operator for the tidyverse is |>
(although %>%
will still work if magrittr is loaded)58. Notably, while |>
is more syntactically (and algorithmically) streamlined than %>%
, there are several features available to %>%
that do not exist for |>
, including the potential for a placeholder operator59. Nonetheless, I focus on |>
, not %>%
, here.
Example 5.1 \(\text{}\)
Consider the circular operation: \(\log_e(\exp(1))\). We could write this as,
[1] 1
Here the number \(1\) is piped into the function exp()
, with the result: \(\exp(1) = e^1 = e\), and this outcome is piped into the function log()
, with the result: \(\log_e e = 1\). Because the first arguments of exp()
and log()
are simply calls to numeric data, and these are provided by the previous pipe segment, we do not have to include information about x
for f(x)
operations. Thus, when functions require only the previous pipe segment result as an argument, then x |> f()
is equivalent to \(f(x)\)60. In the case that multiple arguments need to be specified, the script x |> f(y)
is equivalent to \(f(x, y)\), and x |> f(y) |> g(z)
describes \(g(f(x, y), z)\). For instance,
10 |> log(base = 2)
[1] 3.3219
Example 5.2 \(\text{}\)
This example illustrates that the forward pipe works recursively from the result of the previous pipe segment, using the loblolly pine dataset.
head(Loblolly) # First 6 rows of data
Grouped Data: height ~ age | Seed
height age Seed
1 4.51 3 301
15 10.89 5 301
29 28.72 10 301
43 41.74 15 301
57 52.70 20 301
71 60.92 25 301
Grouped Data: height ~ age | Seed
height age Seed
57 52.70 20 301
71 60.92 25 301
Example 5.3 \(\text{}\)
We can define the result of a pipe to be a global variable (Sections 2.3.2, 8.2). Consider the script and output below (Fig 5.2).
x <- seq(1,10,length=100)
y <- x |> sin()
plot(x, y, type = "l", ylab = "sin(x)", xlab = "x (radians)")

Figure 5.2: Creating a global variable (object) resulting from a pipeline.
5.2.1 Other Pipes
It is worth noting that, in addition to %>%
, magrittr contains several other potentially useful pipe operators. These include the assignment pipe and the tee pipe. The assignment pipe operator, %<>%
, will pipe x
into one or more f(x)
expressions, and then assign the result to the name x
61. The tee pipe operator %T>%
works like %>%
, except the return value in x %T>% f(x)
is x
itself. This is useful when a pipeline requires a side-effect like plotting or printing62.
5.3 tibble
The tidyverse package tibble provides an alternative to the data.frame
format of data storage, called a tibble. Tibbles have classes dataframe
and tbl_df
, allowing them to posses additional characteristics including enhanced printing (see Example 5.4 below).
Additional distinguishing characteristics of tibbles include: 1) a character vector is not automatically coerced to have class factor
, 2) recycling (see Section 3.1.1) only occurs for an input of length one, and 3) there is no partial matching when $
is used to index by tibble columns by name63. The functions tibble()
generates tibbles. The function as_tibble()
coerces a dataframe to be a tibble.
Example 5.4 \(\text{}\)
Here we compare dataframe and tibble output of the same data.
data <- data.frame(numbers = 1:3, letters = c("a","b","c"),
date = as.Date(c("2021-12-1", "2021-12-2",
format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
numbers letters date
1 1 a 2021-12-01
2 2 b 2021-12-02
3 3 c 2021-12-02
# A tibble: 3 x 3
numbers letters date
<int> <chr> <date>
1 1 a 2021-12-01
2 2 b 2021-12-02
3 3 c 2021-12-02
5.4 dplyr
The dplyr package contains a collection of core tidyverse algorithms for data manipulation64. Table 5.1 lists some useful dplyr functions.
Function | Usage |
summarise() |
Numerical summaries of variables. |
group_by |
Group a dataframe by a categorical variable. |
filter() |
Subset variables based on outcomes. |
arrange() |
Reorder rows in a dataframe or tibble. |
mutate() |
Creates new variables from functions of existing variables. |
select() |
Selects variables from tibbles or dataframes. |
5.4.1 summarize()
The function summarize()
, or equivalently summarise()
, creates a new data frame with one row for each combination of specified grouping variables. If no groups are given (for instance, in the case that group_by
is not used to group data), dataframe rows will be summaries of all observations in the required input .data
Example 5.5 \(\text{}\)
Here we use summarize()
to obtain means for loblolly pine height (in feet) and age (in years).
mean.height.ft mean.age.yrs
1 32.364 13
5.4.2 group_by()
The group_by()
function is often used in conjunction with other dplyr functions, including summarize()
, to provide an underlying grouping framework for data summaries.
Example 5.6 \(\text{}\)
Here we use group_by()
with summarize()
to describe the Loblolly
height data. Specifically, we will take the mean and the variance of Loblolly$height
with respect to categories specified in group_by()
Loblolly |>
group_by(Seed) |>
summarise(mean.height.ft = mean(height),
var.height.ft2 = var(height)
) |>
# A tibble: 5 x 3
Seed mean.height.ft var.height.ft2
<ord> <dbl> <dbl>
1 329 30.3 443.
2 327 30.6 440.
3 325 31.9 468.
4 307 31.3 494.
5 331 31.0 495.
More than only grouping variable can be specified in group_by()
Loblolly |>
group_by(Seed, age) |>
summarise(mean.height.ft = mean(height),
var.height.ft2 = var(height)
) |>
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'Seed'.
You can override using the `.groups`
# A tibble: 5 x 4
# Groups: Seed [1]
Seed age mean.height.ft var.height.ft2
<ord> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 329 3 3.93 NA
2 329 5 9.34 NA
3 329 10 26.1 NA
4 329 15 37.8 NA
5 329 20 48.3 NA
Clearly, group_by()
and summarise()
allow more options than the base function tapply()
(Section The latter function only provides summaries of groups within a single categorical INDEX
, with respect to a single quantitative vector, and a single user-defined function.
Starting with dplyr 1.1.0, we can use the .by
argument in summarize
to bypass group_by()
, although this argument is experimental, and may be deprecated in the future (see ?summarise
Loblolly |>
summarise(mean.height.ft = mean(height),
var.height.ft2 = var(height),
.by = Seed) |>
Seed mean.height.ft var.height.ft2
1 301 33.247 512.50
2 303 34.107 552.24
3 305 35.115 572.51
4 307 31.328 493.83
5 309 33.782 535.12
5.4.3 filter()
The function filter()
provides a straightforward way to extract dataframe rows based on Boolean operators.
Example 5.7 \(\text{}\)
Here we obtain rows in Loblolly
associated with seed type 301.
Loblolly |>
filter(Seed == "301")
Grouped Data: height ~ age | Seed
height age Seed
1 4.51 3 301
15 10.89 5 301
29 28.72 10 301
43 41.74 15 301
57 52.70 20 301
71 60.92 25 301
Here are Loblolly
rows associated with height
responses greater than 60 feet.
Loblolly |>
filter(height > 60)
Grouped Data: height ~ age | Seed
height age Seed
71 60.92 25 301
72 63.39 25 303
73 64.10 25 305
75 63.05 25 309
77 60.07 25 315
78 60.69 25 319
79 60.28 25 321
80 61.62 25 323
5.4.4 arrange()
The function arrange()
orders the rows of a data frame based on the alphanumeric ordering of specified data.
Example 5.8 \(\text{}\)
Here we use arrange()
to sort the result from the previous chunk from smallest to largest loblolly pine heights.
Grouped Data: height ~ age | Seed
height age Seed
77 60.07 25 315
79 60.28 25 321
78 60.69 25 319
71 60.92 25 301
80 61.62 25 323
75 63.05 25 309
72 63.39 25 303
73 64.10 25 305
One can use arrange(desc())
to sort a dataframe in descending (largest-to-smallest) order.
Grouped Data: height ~ age | Seed
height age Seed
73 64.10 25 305
72 63.39 25 303
75 63.05 25 309
80 61.62 25 323
71 60.92 25 301
78 60.69 25 319
79 60.28 25 321
77 60.07 25 315
5.4.5 slice_min()
and slice_max()
The helpful dplyr functions slice_min()
and slice_max()
allow subsetting of dataframe rows by minimum and maximum values in some column, respectively.
Example 5.9 \(\text{}\)
Loblolly |>
slice_max(height, n = 5)
Grouped Data: height ~ age | Seed
height age Seed
73 64.10 25 305
72 63.39 25 303
75 63.05 25 309
80 61.62 25 323
71 60.92 25 301
5.4.6 select()
The select()
function allows one to select particular variables in a data frame.
Example 5.10 \(\text{}\)
For instance, here I select height
from Loblolly
1 4.51
15 10.89
29 28.72
43 41.74
57 52.70
71 60.92
The select()
function can be used in more sophisticated ways by combining it with other dplyr functions like starts_with()
and ends_with()
, or other Boolean operators.
Example 5.11 \(\text{}\)
He we select the height
and age
columns by calling for variable names that start with "h"
or end with "e"
Loblolly |>
select(starts_with("h"), ends_with("e")) |>
height age
1 4.51 3
15 10.89 5
29 28.72 10
5.4.7 mutate()
The function mutate()
creates new dataframe columns that are functions of existing variables.
Example 5.12 \(\text{}\)
Below we select the age
and height
columns using select()
, convert height in feet to height in meters using mutate()
, plot the result as a side-task using the tee pipe, %T>%
(note the use of the .
placeholder operator) (Fig 5.3), and then take the column means of age
and height
. Note that by default, all columns from the previous pipe segment will be in the mutate()
output although all columns need not be explicitly mutated. Output columns can be specified using the mutate()
argument .keep
Note that in base R dialect we have could have used: with(Loblolly, plot(age, height * 0.3048, ylab = 'Height (m)', xlab = 'Age (yrs)'))
on line 6. However, this is quite a bit harder to decipher. The function plot()
will be formally introduced in Ch 6.
library(magrittr) # to access tee pipe
Loblolly |>
select(c(age, height)) |>
mutate(height = height * 0.3048) %T>%
plot(., ylab = "Height (m)", xlab = "Age (yrs)") |>
age height
13.0000 9.8647

Figure 5.3: Plot of loblolly pine height as a function of age, after converting height to meters.
5.4.8 across()
The dplyr function across()
allows extensions similar to those in apply()
wherein the same function can be applied to all columns in the first argument of across()
. Specifying the first argument in across()
as everything()
would allow application of a function to all columns in a dataframe.
Example 5.13 \(\text{}\)
Here we take the medians of the quantitative columns in Loblolly
using across()
and summarize()
age height
1 12.5 34
5.5 stringr
As evident in Section 4.3, use of regular expressions for matching, querying and substituting strings can be confusing. The stringr package attempts to simplify some of these difficulties. The stringr package uses processing tools from the package stringi (Gagolewski 2022) for pattern searching under a wide array of potential approaches. All stringr functions have the prefix str_
and take a character string or string vector as the first argument.
Consider the vector of plant scientific names used to demonstrate string management in Section 4.3.
names = c("Achillea millefolium", "Aster foliaceus",
"Elymus scribneri", "Erigeron rydbergii",
"Carex elynoides", "Carex paysonis",
"Taraxacum ceratophorum")
Example 5.14 \(\text{}\)
The function str_length()
can be used to count the number of characters in a string.
[1] 20 15 16 18 15 14 22
Example 5.15 \(\text{}\)
The function str_detect()
tests for the presence or absence of a pattern in a string. Here I test for "Aster"
(the genus Aster).
str_detect(names, "Aster")
Here are entries not containing Aster.
str_detect(names, "Aster", negate = TRUE)
Example 5.16 \(\text{}\)
Here we subset names
using the function stringr::str_subset()
to obtain species within the genus Carex.
str_subset(names, "Carex")
[1] "Carex elynoides" "Carex paysonis"
Example 5.17 \(\text{}\)
The function str_replace()
is analogous to the base R function gsub()
. It can be used to replace text based on a pattern.
str_replace(names, "Carex", "C.")
[1] "Achillea millefolium" "Aster foliaceus"
[3] "Elymus scribneri" "Erigeron rydbergii"
[5] "C. elynoides" "C. paysonis"
[7] "Taraxacum ceratophorum"
Most stringr functions work with regular expressions (Section 4.3.6).
Example 5.18 \(\text{}\)
Here we count upper and lower case vowels with the function stringr::str_count()
using a pattern defined by the regex character class [AEIOUaeiou]
str_count(names, "[AEIOUaeiou]")
[1] 9 7 5 7 6 5 9
and use stringr::str_extract()
to extract strings nine alphanumeric characters long, and then sort the strings with a pipe.
str_extract(names, "[[:alnum:]]{9}") |>
[1] "elynoides" "foliaceus" "millefoli" "rydbergii" "scribneri" "Taraxacum"
5.6 lubridate
Base R approaches for handling date-time data are described in Section 4.4. The package lubridate (https://lubridate.tidyverse.org/) contains functions for simplifying and extending some of these operations.
Example 5.19 \(\text{}\)
As an example dataset, I will use the time series used to illustrate date-time classes in Section 4.4.
dates <- c("08/13/2019 04:00", "08/13/2019 06:30", "08/13/2019 09:00",
"08/13/2019 11:30", "08/13/2019 14:00", "08/13/2019 16:30",
"08/13/2019 19:00", "08/13/2019 21:30", "08/14/2019 00:00",
"08/14/2019 02:30", "08/14/2019 05:00", "08/14/2019 07:30",
"08/14/2019 10:00", "08/14/2019 12:30", "08/14/2019 15:00",
"08/14/2019 17:30", "08/14/2019 20:00", "08/14/2019 22:30",
"08/15/2019 01:00", "08/15/2019 03:30")
We will define the timezone to be timezone of our computer workstation.
tz <- Sys.timezone(location = TRUE)
The package lubridate contains data-time parsers that may be easier to use than the base functions strptime
and as.Date
For the current example, we note that the data are in a month/day/year hour:minute format. So we can create a time series using the function lubridate::mdy_hm
date_lub <- mdy_hm(dates, tz = tz)
[1] "2019-08-13 04:00:00 MDT" "2019-08-13 06:30:00 MDT"
[3] "2019-08-13 09:00:00 MDT" "2019-08-13 11:30:00 MDT"
[5] "2019-08-13 14:00:00 MDT" "2019-08-13 16:30:00 MDT"
[7] "2019-08-13 19:00:00 MDT" "2019-08-13 21:30:00 MDT"
[9] "2019-08-14 00:00:00 MDT" "2019-08-14 02:30:00 MDT"
[11] "2019-08-14 05:00:00 MDT" "2019-08-14 07:30:00 MDT"
[13] "2019-08-14 10:00:00 MDT" "2019-08-14 12:30:00 MDT"
[15] "2019-08-14 15:00:00 MDT" "2019-08-14 17:30:00 MDT"
[17] "2019-08-14 20:00:00 MDT" "2019-08-14 22:30:00 MDT"
[19] "2019-08-15 01:00:00 MDT" "2019-08-15 03:30:00 MDT"
Other lubridate parsers include ymd()
, ymd_hms()
, dmy()
, dmy_hms()
, and mdy()
. The lubridate parsers can often handle mixed methods of data entry. From the ymd()
documentation we have the following example:
x <- c(20090101, "2009-01-02", "2009 01 03", "2009-1-4",
"2009-1, 5", "Created on 2009 1 6", "200901 !!! 07")
[1] "2009-01-01" "2009-01-02" "2009-01-03" "2009-01-04" "2009-01-05"
[6] "2009-01-06" "2009-01-07"
Lubridate also allows extended mathematical operations for its date-time objects with the functions duration()
, period()
, and interval()
Example 5.20 \(\text{}\)
Duration functions include dseconds()
, dminutes()
, ddays()
, and dmonths()
duration("12m", units = "seconds") # seconds in 1 year
[1] "31557600s (~1 years)"
[1] "31557600s (~1 years)"
[1] "2019-08-13 04:00:00 MDT"
date_lub[1] + ddays(1)
[1] "2019-08-14 04:00:00 MDT"
Example 5.21 \(\text{}\)
Periodic functions include seconds()
, minutes()
, hours()
, and days()
[1] "12d 0H 2M 3S"
[1] "2019-08-13 04:00:00 MDT"
date_lub[1] - days(12)
[1] "2019-08-01 04:00:00 MDT"
Example 5.22 \(\text{}\)
Interval functions include int_length()
, int_start()
, and int_end()
int <- interval(start = first(date_lub), end = last(date_lub))
int_length(int) |>
[1] "171000s (~1.98 days)"
5.7 reshape2
Tidyverse functions generally require that data are in a long table format. That is, data are stored with columns containing all the values for a particular variable of interest. Unfortunately, this format is not conventional for many scientific applications, particularly longitudinal studies that follow experimental units over time. These will often have a wide table format. The tidyverse reshape2 package contains several functions for converting dataframes from wide to a long table formats, including the functions reshape2::melt()
and tidyr::gather()
. The reshape2::melt.data.frame()
function generates a value
column based on data commonalities of outcomes given in a variable or variables defined in the id
argument. A remaining column, if any, that captures these commonalities will be given the name variable
. The names of the value
and variable
output columns can be changed with the arguments value.name
and variable.name
, respectively.
Example 5.23 \(\text{}\)
Consider the asbio::asthma
dataset, which has a wide table format.
The dataset documents the effect of three respiratory treatments (measured as Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (FEV1))
for 24 asthmatic patients over time (11H
- 18H
, i.e, hour 11 to hour 18). A baseline measure of FEV1 (BASEFEV1
) was also taken 11 hours before application of the treatment.
1 201 2.46 2.68 2.76 2.50 2.30 2.14 2.40 2.33 2.20
2 202 3.50 3.95 3.65 2.93 2.53 3.04 3.37 3.14 2.62
3 203 1.96 2.28 2.34 2.29 2.43 2.06 2.18 2.28 2.29
4 204 3.44 4.08 3.87 3.79 3.30 3.80 3.24 2.98 2.91
5 205 2.80 4.09 3.90 3.54 3.35 3.15 3.23 3.46 3.27
6 206 2.36 3.79 3.97 3.78 3.69 3.31 2.83 2.72 3.00
1 a
2 a
3 a
4 a
5 a
6 a
asthma.long <- asthma |> melt(id = c("DRUG", "PATIENT"),
value.name = "FEV1",
variable.name = "TIME")
# here I simplify the names in the TIME variable
asthma.long$TIME <- factor(asthma.long$TIME,
labels = c("BASE",
paste("H", 11:18, sep = "")))
1 a 201 BASE 2.46
2 a 202 BASE 3.50
3 a 203 BASE 1.96
4 a 204 BASE 3.44
5 a 205 BASE 2.80
6 a 206 BASE 2.36
In the code above, the function reshape2::melt()
is used to convert to a long table format, and time designations are simplified using the base function factor()
. The factor()
function can be used to create a categorical variable with particular levels (Section 3.3), or to change the names of levels. The latter application is used here.
- Create a tibble from the
dataframe shown below. The data comprise part of a report summarizing Down’s syndrome cases in British Columbia, compiled by the British Columbia Health Surveillance Registry (Geyer 1991).Examine both the original
dataframe and the tibble representation ofDowns
by printing them. Do we gain additional information from the tibble?-
Find the mean and variance of the
column from theDowns
dataset using pipes and dpylr functions.Downs <- data.frame(Age = c(17, 20.5, 21.5, 29.5, 30.5, 38.5, 39.5, 40.5, 44.5, 45.5, 47), Births = c(13555, 22005, 23896, 15685, 13954, 4834, 3961, 2952, 596, 327, 249), Cases = c(16, 22, 16, 9, 12, 15, 30, 31, 22, 11, 7) )
- Bring in the
dataset from package asbio.- Using the forward pipe operator,
, andfilter()
from dplyr, create a dataframe of just US data. - Using
, andsummarise()
, find the first and last year of emissions data for the US. - Using
, andplot()
, plot per capita CO\(_2\) emissions for the US by year (as an intermediate pipeline step) and find the maximum CO\(_2\) emission level. Hint: see Exercise 5.12. - Using
create a new dataframe calledno.repeats
that eliminates rows with the entry"redundant"
in theworld.emissions$continent
column. - With the
dataframe and the functionsgroup_by()
, andsummarise()
, get mean CO\(_2\) levels for each country over time. - Using
, identify the 10 countries with the highest recorded cumulative CO\(_2\) emissions.
- Using the forward pipe operator,
- Consider the character vector
below (Bonnin 2021).Use
to test for strings with the pattern"genom"
, test for strings starting with the pattern"genom"
by using an extended regular expression:^genom
in thestr_detect()
(see Section
, test for strings ending with the pattern"omics"
by using an extended regular expression (see Section
, subset the string vectoromics
to string entries containing the pattern"genom"
, replace the text"omics"
.omics <- c("genomics", "proteomics", "proteome", "transcriptomics", "metagenomics", "metabolomics")
- Consider the character vector
below, which has the format:day-month-year hour:minute:second
into a lubridate date-time object using an appropriate lubridate function.Add two days and seven seconds to each entry in
Using lubridate functions, find the difference, in seconds, between the beginning and the end of the time series.
times <- c("12-12-2023 12:12:20", "12-01-2021 01:12:40", "15-10-2021 23:10:15", "25-07-2022 13:09:45")