9 R Interfaces

“You should try things; R won’t break."

- Duncan Murdoch, from R-help (May 2016)

Code from other languages can be interfaced to R at the command line prompt and within R functions. For instance, we have already considered the use of Perl regex calls for managing character strings in Ch 4 (Section 4.3). Other examples include code interfaces from C, C++ (via package Rcpp, Eddelbuettel et al. (2023), Eddelbuettel (2013), Eddelbuettel and Balamuta (2018)), Fortran, MATLAB (via package R.matlab, Bengtsson (2022)), Python (via package reticulate, Ushey, Allaire, and Tang (2023)), Java (via package rJava, Urbanek (2021)). R can also be called from a number of different languages including C and C++ (see package RInside, Eddelbuettel, Francois, and Bachmeier (2023)), Python (via the Python package, rpy2), and Java (via the Java package RCaller, Satman (2014)). For instance, the R package RCytoscape, from the Bioconductor project, allows cross-communication between the popular Java-driven software for molecular networks Cytoscape, and R.

There are costs and benefits to interfacing R with other languages (Chambers 2008). Costs include:

  • Non interpreted languages (see Section 9.1 immediately below) will require compilation. Therefore it may be wise to limit such code to package-development applications (Ch 10) since R built-in procedures can facilitate this process during package building.
  • Interfacing with older low level languages (e.g., Fortran and C (Section 9.3)) increases the possibility for programming errors, often with serious consequences, including memory faults. That is, bugs bite!
  • Interfacing with some languages may increase the possibility for programs being limited to specific platforms.
  • R programs can often be written more succinctly. For instance, Morandat et al. (2012) found that R programs are about 40% smaller than analogous programs written in C.

Despite these issues, there are a number of strong potential benefits. These include:

  • A huge number of useful, well-tested, algorithms have been written in other languages, and it is often straightforward to interface these procedures with R.
  • The system speed of other languages may be much better than R for many tasks. For instance, algorithms written in non-interpreted languages, are often much faster than corresponding procedures written in R.
  • Non-OOP languages may be more efficient than R with respect to memory usage.

This chapter considers interfaces with several important programming languages, including Fortran, C, C++, SQL, and particularly, Python. Interfaces with languages used primarily for GUI generation and web-based applications, for example, Tcl/Tk, JavaScript, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), HTML, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), are considered in Ch 11.

To account for the frequent use of distinct computer languages in this chapter, the following chunk coloring conventions will be used hereafter in this book90:

# R code
! Fortan code
// C and C++ code
# Python code
-- SQL code
:: Shell command line

9.1 Interpreted versus Compiled Languages

Along with many other useful languages (e.g., Python, JavaScript), R is generally applied as an interpreted language. Interpreted code must be translated into binary before it can be executed. This process can slow down function run times, particularly if the function includes iterative procedures like loops. Non-interpreted (compiled) languages include C, Fortran, and Java. For these languages, a compiler (a translation program) is used to transform the source code into a target “object” language, which is generally binary (Ch 11). The end product of the compilation is called an executable file (Figure 9.1). Executables from other languages can be called from within R to run R functions and procedures.

Creating an executable file in a compiled language.

Figure 9.1: Creating an executable file in a compiled language.

9.2 Interfacing with R Markdown/RStudio

Language and program interfacing with R is often greatly facilitated through the use of R Markdown chunks. This is because many languages other than R are supported by R Markdown, via knitr. The language definition for a particular R Markdown chunk is given by the first term in that chunk. For instance, ```{r } ``` initiates a conventional R code chunk, whereas ```{python }``` initiates a Python code chunk. Here are the current R Markdown language engines (note that items 52-64 are not explicit computer languages).

 [1] "awk"         "bash"        "coffee"      "gawk"        "groovy"     
 [6] "haskell"     "lein"        "mysql"       "node"        "octave"     
[11] "perl"        "php"         "psql"        "Rscript"     "ruby"       
[16] "sas"         "scala"       "sed"         "sh"          "stata"      
[21] "zsh"         "asis"        "asy"         "block"       "block2"     
[26] "bslib"       "c"           "cat"         "cc"          "comment"    
[31] "css"         "ditaa"       "dot"         "embed"       "eviews"     
[36] "exec"        "fortran"     "fortran95"   "go"          "highlight"  
[41] "js"          "julia"       "python"      "R"           "Rcpp"       
[46] "sass"        "scss"        "sql"         "stan"        "targets"    
[51] "tikz"        "verbatim"    "theorem"     "lemma"       "corollary"  
[56] "proposition" "conjecture"  "definition"  "example"     "exercise"   
[61] "hypothesis"  "proof"       "remark"      "solution"    "glue"       
[66] "glue_sql"    "gluesql"    

As evident in the output above, R Markdown engines extend to compiled languages including Fortran (engine = fortran) and C (engine = c). Ideally, this is accomplished by compiling source code in a chunk in an on-the-fly, automated step, using native R compilers, and automatically loading the resulting compiled executable for potential calls in R chunks (Xie, Dervieux, and Riederer 2020). This process may be hampered, however, by a number of factors including non-administrator permissions and environmental path definitions, particularly on Windows computers. As a result, I present more a complex, but more dependable method for code compilation and execution here.

9.3 Fortran and C

S, the progenitor of R, was created at a time when Fortran routines dominated numerical programming, and R arose when C was approaching its peak in popularity. As a result, strong connections to those languages, particularly C, remain in R91. R contains specific base functions for interfacing with both C and Fortran executables: .C() and .Fortran()92, respectively. More flexible general interface functions, which were introduced in later versions of R, and may have better performance characteristics, include .Call() and .External().

Recall that an R object of class numeric will be automatically assigned to base type double, although it can be coerced to base type integer (with information loss through the elimination of its “decimal” component). Fortran, C, and many other languages require explicit user-assignments for underlying base types.

If one is interfacing R with Fortran or C, only a limited number of base types are possible (Table 9.1), and one will need to use appropriate coercion functions for R objects if one wishes to use those objects in Fortran or C scripts93. Interfaced C script arguments must be pointers94 and arguments in Fortran scripts must be arrays for the types given in Table 9.1.

Table 9.1: Correpsonding types for R, C, and Fortran. Table adapted from Chambers (2008).
R base type R coercion function C type Fortran type
logical as.integer() int * integer
integer as.integer() int * integer
double as.double() double * double precision
complex as.complex() Rcomplex * double complex
charater as.character() char ** character*255
raw as.character() char * none

9.3.1 Compiling Executables

Raw Fortran source code is generally saved as an .f, or (.f90 or .f95; modern Fortran) file, whereas C source code is saved as an .c file. One can create a file with the correct file type extension by using file.create().

Example 9.1 \(\text{}\)
For example, below I create a file called foo.f90 that I can open (from my working directory) in a text editor (e.g., Notepad, RStudio) to build a Fortran script.



Windows executable files compiled from source code will generally have an .exe or .cmd extension, whereas Mac OS executable files generally have have .app extension. For use in R, however, these files must be shared library executables (see below), with .dll and .so extensions for Windows and Unix-alike (e.g., Mac-OS) operating systems, respectively. Shared library objects are different from conventional executables in that they cannot be evaluated directly. In this case, R will be required as the executable entry point95.

R contains shared library compilers for Fortran and C within the Rcmd executable, which is located in the R bin directory, along with several other important executables. Rcmd is typically invoked from a shell command line (in Windows one can access this editor by typing cmd in the Search bar) using the format: R CMD command args. Here command is currently one of INSTALL, REMOVE, SHLIB, BATCH, build, check, Rprof, Rdconfig, Rdiff, Rd2pdf, Stangle, Sweave, config, open, and texify, and args defines arguments specific to the R CMD command. The shell script:


will prompt the building of a shared library object from the user-defined script foo, which is generally Fortran or C source code96. The compilation of shared libraries will be facilitated by the installation of the toolbox bundle Rtools along an accessible environmental path.

Notably, the SHLIB compilers will only work for Fortran code written as a subroutine97 and C code written in void formats98. As a result, neither code type will return a value directly99.

Example 9.2 \(\text{}\)
Here is a simple example for calling Fortran and C compiled executables, from R, to speed up looping. The content follows class notes created by Charles Geyer at the University of Minnesota. Clearly, the example could also be run without looping. Equation (9.1) shows the simple formula for converting temperature measurements in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius.

\[\begin{equation} C = 5/9(F - 32) \tag{9.1} \end{equation}\]

where \(C\) and \(F\) denote temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit, respectively.

Here is a Fortan subroutine for calculating Celsius temperatures from a dataset of Fahrenheit measures, using a loop.

subroutine FtoC(n, x)
integer n
double precision x(n)
integer i
do 100 i = 1, n
x(i) = (x(i)-32)*(5./9.)
100 continue

The Fortran code above consists of the following steps:

  • On Line 1 a subroutine is invoked using the Fortran function subroutine. The subroutine is named FtoC, and has arguments x (the Fahrenheit temperatures) and n (the number of temperatures)
  • On Line 2 the entry given for n is defined to be an integer (Table 9.1).
  • On Line 3 we define x to be a double precision numeric vector of length n.
  • On Line 4 we define that the looping index to be used, i, will be an integer.
  • On Lines 5-7 we proceed with a Fortran do loop. The code do 100 i = 1, n means that the loop will 1) run initially up to 100 times, 2) has a lower limit of 1, and 3) has an upper limit of n. The code: x(i) = (x(i)-32)*(5./9.) calculates Eq. (9.1). The code 5./9. is used because the result of the division can be a non-integer. The code 100 continue allows the loop to continue to n.
  • On Line 8 the subroutine ends. All Fortran scripts must end with end.

I save the code under the filename FtoC.f90, and transfer it to an appropriate directory (I use C:/Users/ahoken/Documents/Amalgam/Amalgam_Bookdown/scripts/). I then open a shell editor (the Windows command shell can be accessed by typing cmd in the Search bar), and navigate to the R bin\x64 directory. For my Windows machine, the address will be: C:\Program Files\R-4.4.1\bin\x64.

The shell language for Windows is somewhat similar to the POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) compliant shell language generally used by Unix-like systems (guidance can be found here). For instance, the command cd changes directories, and the command cd .. navigates up (toward the root directory).

I compile FtoC.f90 using the script R CMD SHLIB FtoC.f90. Thus, at the shell command line I enter:

cd C:\Program Files\R\R-4.4.2\R\bin\x64  
R CMD SHLIB C:/Users/ahoken/Documents/Amalgam/Amalgam_Bookdown/scripts/FtoC.f90

Note the change from back slashes to (Unix-style) forward slashes when specifying addresses for SHLIB. The command above creates the compiled Fortran executable FtoC.dll. Specifically, the Fortran compiler, GNU Fortran (GCC), is used to create a Unix-style shared library FtoC.o (GCC is short for GNU compiler collection). This file is then converted to a .dll file, aided by the RTools GCC 10/MinGW-w64 compiler toolchain. By default, the .dll is saved in the directory that contained the source code. Steps in the compilation process can be followed (with difficulty) in the cryptic shell output below:

Here is an analogous C loop function for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius.

void ftocc(int *nin, double *x)
  int n = nin[0];
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    x[i] = (x[i] - 32) * 5 / 9;

The C code above consists of the following steps.

  • Line 1 is a line break. This currently appears to be required for the compilation of C void functions in SHLIB.
  • On Line 2 a void function is initialized with two arguments. The code int *nin means “access the value that nin points to and define it as an integer.” The code double *x means: “access the value that x points to and define it as double precision.”
  • Lines 8-9 define the C for loop. These loops have the general format: for ( init; condition; increment ) {statement(s); }. The init step is executed first and only once. Next the condition is evaluated. If true, the loop is executed. The syntax i++ literally means: i = i + 1.

One again, I save the source code, FtoCc.c, within an appropriate directory. I compile the code using the command R CMD SHLIB FtoCc.c. Thus, at the shell command line I enter:

cd C:\Program Files\R\R-4.4.2\R\bin\x64  
R CMD SHLIB C:/Users/ahoken/Documents/Amalgam/Amalgam_Bookdown/scripts/FtoCc.c 

This creates the shared library executable FtoCc.dll.

Below is an R-wrapper that can call the Fortran executable, call = "Fortran", the C executable, call = "C", or use R looping, call = "R". Several new functions are used. On Line 10 the function dyn.load() is used to load the shared Fortran library file FtoC.dll, while on Lines 14-15 dyn.load() loads the shared C library file FtoCc.dll. Note that the variable nin is pointed toward n, and x is included as an argument in dyn.load() on Line 15. On Line 11 the function .Fortran() is used to execute FtoC.dll, and on Line 16 .C() is used to execute FtoCc.dll.

F2C <- function(x, call = "R"){
  n <- length(x)
  if(call == "R"){
    out <- 1:n
    for(i in 1:n){
    out[i] <- (x[i] - 32) * (5/9)
  if(call == "Fortran"){
    out <- .Fortran("ftoc", n = as.integer(n), x = as.double(x))
  if(call == "C"){
             nin = n, x)
    out <- .C("ftocc", n = as.integer(n), x = as.double(x))

Here I create \(10^8\) potential Fahrenheit temperatures that will be converted to Celsius using (unnecessary) looping.

x <- runif(100000000, 0, 100)
[1] 76.391 68.578 12.061 71.886 66.711 72.958

Note first that the Fortran, C, and R loops provide identical temperature transformations. Here are first 6 transformations:

head(F2C(x[1:10], "Fortran")$x)
[1]  24.661  20.321 -11.077  22.159  19.284  22.755
head(F2C(x[1:10], "C")$x)
[1]  24.661  20.321 -11.077  22.159  19.284  22.755
head(F2C(x[1:10], "R"))
[1]  24.661  20.321 -11.077  22.159  19.284  22.755

However, the run times are dramatically different100. The C executable is much faster than R, and the venerable Fortran executable is even faster than C!

system.time(F2C(x, "Fortran"))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.58    0.18    0.76 
system.time(F2C(x, "C"))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.58    0.33    0.91 
system.time(F2C(x, "R"))
   user  system elapsed 
   5.44    0.36    5.81 


9.4 C++

9.5 SQL and Databases

Biological databases have grown exponentially in size and number (Sima et al. 2019). Because of their size, biological databases are often housed in web-accessible warehouses including dataBase for Gene Expression Evolution (Bgee), and the European life-sciences infrastructure for biological information (ELIXIR).

Databases are often assembled in a Database Management System (DBMS) . A DBMS will contain one or more rectangular row/column storage units calls tables. Rows in tables are called records. Columns are called fields or attributes. Many DBMS approaches have evolved based on the Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL guidance can be found at a large number of websites, including the developer site W3. Although SQL is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard, there are many variants of SQL, and software for managing these languages is often proprietary (e.g., Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server) and potentially expensive. Although SQL dialects generally use the same basic SQL commands (Table 9.2), approaches for advanced applications, including relational databases, can result in appreciable differences. SQL table fields can be accessed with a period operator. That is, the column bar in table foo is specified as a foo.bar.

Table 9.2: Important SQL commands. Out of convention, SQL commands here are shown in upper-case. SQL keywords, however, are not case sensitive. That is, select is the same as SELECT.

Command Meaning
SELECT Extracts data from a database
FROM Used with SELECT. A clause identifying a database
UPDATE Updates data in a database
DELETE Deletes data from a database
CREATE TABLE Creates a new table
WHERE Filters records from a table
AND Filters records based on more than one condition
OR Filters records based on more than one condition
BETWEEN Selects values within a given range

9.5.1 DBI

The R package DBI (R Special Interest Group on Databases (R-SIG-DB), Wickham, and Müller 2024; James 2009) currently allows communication with 30 SQL-driven DBMS formats. Each supported DBI DBMS uses its own R package. For instance, the SQLite DBMS is interfaced with the package RSQLite (which is currently installed with DBI), and the MySQL DBMS can be interfaced using the package RMySQL. The RMariaDB package can be used to interface either MySQL or MariaDB. Opening a DBMS connection will constrain users to the SQL nuances of the selected DBMS. We will concentrate on the non-proprietary DBMS SQLite here.

Example 9.3 \(\text{}\)
As a simple first example, we will create a database using “internal” R dataframes. First we establish a SQLite DBMS connection using dbConnect().

con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), ":memory:")
  Path: :memory:
  Extensions: TRUE

Unlike many other DBMS frameworks that may require a username, password, host, port, and other information, SQLite only requires a path to the database101. The argument ":memory:" specifies a special path that results in an “in-memory” database.

Notably, the con database is an S4 object:

[1] TRUE

For demonstration purposes, we append the asbio::world.emission dataframe to the database using dbWriteTable().

dbWriteTable(con, "emissions", world.emissions)

We see that the table (renamed emissions) now exists in the database.

[1] "emissions"

Below we use SQL script (within the R function DBI::dbSendQuery()) to access information from the database table emissions. In particular –using the commands SELECT, FROM, WHERE, AND, and BETWEEN– I query the columns coal_co2 and gas_co2, with respect to the United States, for the years 2016 to 2019.

us <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT coal_co2, gas_co2 
                  FROM emissions 
                  WHERE country = 'United States' 
                  AND year BETWEEN 2016 AND 2019")

To access all columns from emissions, I could have used the SQL command: "SELECT * FROM emissions.

Here I fetch the query result using dbFetch():

us.fetch <- dbFetch(us)
  coal_co2 gas_co2
1   1378.2  1509.0
2   1337.5  1491.8
3   1282.1  1653.0
4   1094.7  1706.9

The fetched result is a dataframe.

[1] "data.frame"

One should clear queries using DBI::dbClearResult(). This will free all computational resources (local and remote) associated with a query result.

Databases can contain multiple tables. Here I append the asbio::C.isotope dataframe to the database:

dbWriteTable(con, "isotopes", C.isotope)

There are now two tables in the database (although they are not relational).

[1] "emissions" "isotopes" 

When finished accessing a DBMS, one should always close the DBMS connection.


In R Markdown one can use the SQL of the chosen DBMS directly, by specifying ```{sql, connection = con}``` when initiating code chunks, where con is the name of the database connection (see Section 9.2). This approach is often required for complex operations.

Example 9.4 \(\text{}\)
Reconsidering Example 9.3 we have:

con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), ":memory:")
dbWriteTable(con, "emissions", world.emissions)

Here I directly specify an SQL query (in SQL).

SELECT coal_co2, gas_co2
FROM emissions
WHERE country = 'United States'
AND year BETWEEN 2016 AND 2019;
coal_co2 gas_co2
1378.2 1509.0
1337.5 1491.8
1282.1 1653.0
1094.7 1706.9

Note that several DBMS approaches require that SQL statements end with a semicolon, ;.


9.5.2 Relational DBMS

Thus far, the justification for an interfaced DBMS may seem vague, since similar data management results could be obtained by subsetting R lists.

The advantages of creating a DBMS become clearer when considering a relational DBMS (RDBMS). An RDBMS allows the straightforward linking of multiple database tables via a common value identifier stored in the tables (Fig 9.2).

A relational database from the gene expression database [Bgee](https://bgee.org/). Several tables are linked via the identifier **SpeciesID**. Figure taken from @sima2019.

Figure 9.2: A relational database from the gene expression database Bgee. Several tables are linked via the identifier SpeciesID. Figure taken from Sima et al. (2019).

Example 9.5 \(\text{}\)
In this example we will impart relational characteristics to a database based on two R dataframes, asbio::Rabino_CO2 and asbio::Rabino_del13C, obtained from (Rubino et al. 2013). The datasets record CO\(_2\) and \(\delta^{13}\)C levels from Law Dome and South Pole, Antarctica for a 1000 year timespan. Exact effective date records, precision, and measurement depths all vary for the entries (see Example 7.5), prompting the creation of two separate datasets.

First, I create mean effective date records to eventually provide a single-entry label field for each dataset, based on the effective.age of samples.


AvgCO2df <- Rabino_CO2 |>
  group_by(effective.age) |>
  summarise(AvgDdepth = mean(depth), 
            AvgCO2 = mean(CO2), 
            AvgUncertainty = mean(uncertainty))

Avg13Cdf <- Rabino_del13C |>
  group_by(effective.age) |>
  summarise(AvgDepth = mean(depth), 
            Avgd13C = mean(d13C.CO2), 
            AvgUncertainty = mean(uncertainty))

names(Avg13Cdf)[1] <- names(AvgCO2df)[1] <- "EffectiveAge"
AvgCO2df$EffectiveAge <- as.integer(unlist(AvgCO2df[,1]))
Avg13Cdf$EffectiveAge <- as.integer(unlist(Avg13Cdf[,1]))

The resulting summary dataframes, AvgCO2df and AvgC13df, do not contain measures from the same effective dates. Specifically, 114 (out of 189) AvgCO2df effective age records do not occur in AvgC13df.

length(AvgCO2df$EffectiveAge) - 
  length(which(AvgCO2df$EffectiveAge %in% Avg13Cdf$EffectiveAge))
[1] 114

And 10 out (out of 85) AvgC13df effective age records do not occur in AvgCO2df.

length(Avg13Cdf$EffectiveAge) - 
  length(which(Avg13Cdf$EffectiveAge %in% AvgCO2df$EffectiveAge))
[1] 10

Nonetheless, we can easily join the datasets in a DBMS, and use their effective ages, to simultaneously query them.

We first request a SQLite database connection.

con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), ":memory:")

We then add AvgCO2df and AvgC13df to the database as tables.

dbWriteTable(con, "CO2", AvgCO2df)
dbWriteTable(con, "d13C", Avg13Cdf)

There are several database joins we can specify using SQL, including LEFT JOIN and RIGHT_JOIN. Assume that we have two tables in a database , A and B.

If I request A LEFT JOIN B, then the result set will include:

  • Records in A and B with corresponding labels.
  • Records (if any) in A without corresponding labels in B. In this case, B entries are given NULL values.

Conversely, if I request A RIGHT JOIN B, then the result set will include:

  • Records in B and A with corresponding labels.
  • Records (if any) in B without corresponding labels in A. In this case, A entries are given NULL values.
SELECT AvgCO2, d13C.Avgd13C, CO2.EffectiveAge
ON d13C.EffectiveAge = CO2.EffectiveAge
WHERE CO2.EffectiveAge > 1990;
AvgCO2 Avgd13C EffectiveAge
352.22 -7.8410 1991
353.73 -7.8820 1992
353.94 -7.8883 1993
357.11 NA 1994
359.65 NA 1996
361.78 -8.0600 1998
368.02 -8.0695 2001

In the SQL code above, I specify a LEFT JOIN.

  • On Line 1, I specify the fields whose data I want to consider jointly, AvgCO2, d13C.Avgd13C, and the reference field I wish to use, CO2.EffectiveAge, i.e., the EffectiveAge field in the CO2 table.
  • On Line 2, I specify the join: CO2 LEFT JOIN d13C.
  • On Line 3, I identify the fields used to join the tables.
  • On Line 4, I limit the printed results to CO2.EffectiveAge values greater than 1990.

Note that in the output above there are two effective ages, 1994 and 1996, with CO\(_2\) records but no \(\delta^{13}\)C records.

SELECT AvgCO2, d13C.Avgd13C, CO2.EffectiveAge
ON d13C.EffectiveAge = CO2.EffectiveAge
WHERE CO2.EffectiveAge > 1990;
AvgCO2 Avgd13C EffectiveAge
352.22 -7.8410 1991
353.73 -7.8820 1992
353.94 -7.8883 1993
361.78 -8.0600 1998
368.02 -8.0695 2001

The RIGHT JOIN SQL statement above is identical to the previous statement except for the Line 2 command: CO2 RIGHT JOIN d13C. In the output, complete \(\delta^{13}\)C records for the requested effective age range are returned (note that ages 1994 and 1996 are omitted). While not required by the query, corresponding records for CO\(_2\) also exist and are reported.

9.5.3 Creating an SQLite database

Thus far we have used package dataframes to populate an SQLite database connection. A more realistic application would be assembling a SQLite database, with the .sqlite extension from


9.6 Python

Python, whose image logo is shown in Fig 9.3, is similar to R in several respects. Python was formally introduced in the early 90s, is an open source OOP language that is rapidly gaining popularity, and its user code is evaluated in an on-the-fly manner. That is Python, like R, is an interpreted language.

The symbol for Python, a high-level, general-purpose, programming language.

Figure 9.3: The symbol for Python, a high-level, general-purpose, programming language.

Like R, comments in Python are made using the metacharacter #102. Boolean operators are similar, although, while the unary operator for “not” in R is !, in Python it actually is not, and Python uses True and False instead of TRUE and FALSE.

There are, however, several fundamental differences between Python and R. These include the fact that while white spaces in R code (including tabs) simply reflect coding style preferences –for example, to increase code clarity– Python indentations denote code blocks103. That is, Python indentations serve the same purpose as R curly braces. Another important difference is that R object names can contain a . (dot), where in Python . means: “attribute in a namespace.” That is, in Python . serves the same role as $ in R list and dataframe objects (Section 3.1.4). Recall that the . operator is used in a similar way in SQL queries of database tables (Section 9.5). Useful guidance for converting R code to analogous Python code can be found here.

Python can be downloaded for free from (https://www.python.org/downloads/), and can be activated from the Windows command line using the command py, and activated from the Mac and Unix/Linux command line using the command python (Fig 9.4). As with previous sections on Fortran, C, C++, and SQL, topics considered here are not meant to provide a thorough introduction to Python. General guidance for the Python language can be found at (https://docs.python.org/) and many other sources including these books.

The Python command line interface in Windows.

Figure 9.4: The Python command line interface in Windows.

Note that the standard command line prompt for the Python shell is >>>. We can exit Python from the command line by typing quit().

9.6.1 reticulate

Because our primary interest is interfacing Python and R, and not Python itself, we will use R as our base of operations. This will require the R package reticulate.

# install.packages("reticulate")

RStudio (via reticulate) can be used as an IDE for Python104. In this capacity RStudio will:

  • Generate a Python specific environment (to allow separate listing of Python and R objects).
  • Call separate R and Python environments, depending on which language is currently used in a chunk. Python code can be run in R Markdown (via RStudio) by defining python (instead of r) as the first option in an R Markdown chunk.

We can specify a path to the Python system (allowing us to use different versions of Python) with reticulate::use_python. This is important because specific versions of Python may dramatically affect the usability of basic Python functions. The code below specifies use of the current version of Python, as accessed with Sys.which(), which finds full paths to program executables.

A Python command line interface can also be called directly in R using:

Python can be closed from the resulting interface (returning one to R) by typing:


One can obtain information about the version of Python currently being used by reticulate by running the function retuclate::py_config (in R).

python:         C:/Users/ahoken/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python311/python.exe
libpython:      C:/Users/ahoken/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python311/python311.dll
pythonhome:     C:/Users/ahoken/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python311
version:        3.11.3 (tags/v3.11.3:f3909b8, Apr  4 2023, 23:49:59) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)]
Architecture:   64bit
numpy:          C:/Users/ahoken/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python311/Lib/site-packages/numpy
numpy_version:  1.24.2

NOTE: Python version was forced by RETICULATE_PYTHON_FALLBACK

Example 9.6 \(\text{}\)

The following are Python operations, run directly from RStudio.

2 + 2

The Python assignment operator is =.

x = 2
x + x

Here we see the aforementioned importance of indentation.

if x < 0:

Lack of an indented “block” following if will produce an error. Indentations in code can be made flexibly (e.g., one space, two space, tab, etc.) but they should be used consistently.


9.6.2 Packages

Like R, Python consists of a core language, a set of built-in functions, modules, and libraries (i.e., the Python standard library), and a vast collection (\(>200,000\)) of supplemental libraries. Imported libraries are extremely important in Python because its distributed version has limited functional capabilities (compared to R). A number of important Python supplemental libraries, each of which contain multiple packages, are shown in Table 9.3.

Table 9.3: Important Python supplemental libraries. For more information use hyperlinks.
Library Purpose
sumpy Fundamental package for scientific computing
scipy Mathematical functions and routines
matplotlib 2- and 3-dimensional plots
pandas Data manipulation and analysis
sympy Symbolic mathematics
bokeh Interactive data visualizations

We can install Python packages and libraries using the pip package manager for Python105. Installation only needs to occur once on a workstation (similar to install.packages() in R). Following installation, one can load a package for a particular work session using the Python function import (analogous to library() in R)106.

Installation of a Python package, foo, with reticulate, via pip, can be accomplished using the function reticulate::py_install (in R)107.

py_install("foo", pip = TRUE)

For example, to install the scipy library I use the command:

py_install("scipy", pip = TRUE) # Run in R, if scipy has not been installed

To load the scipy library I could use the Python function import():

import scipy 

9.6.3 Functions in Packages

Functions within Python packages are obtained using a package.function syntax. Here I import numpy and run the function pi (which is contained in numpy).

import numpy

If we are writing a lot of numpy functions, Python will allow you to define a simplified library prefix. For instance, here I created a shortcut for numpy called np and use this shortcut to access the numpy functions pi() and sin().

import numpy as np
np.sin(20 * np.pi/180) # sin(20 degrees)

Use of the command from numpy import * would cause names of functions from NumPy to overwrite functions with the same name from other packages. That is, we could run numpy.pi simply using pi.

Here we import the package pyplot from the library matplotlib, rename the package plt, and create a plot (Fig 9.5) using the function pyplot.plot() (as plt.plot()) by calling:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(range(10), 'bo')
Creating a Python plot using **R**.

Figure 9.5: Creating a Python plot using R.

In Line 2, the command range(10) creates a sequence of integers from zero to ten. This is used as the first argument of plt.plot(), which specifies the plot \(x\)-coordinates. If \(y\) coordinates are not specified in the second argument, \(x\)-coordinates will be reused as \(y\) coordinates. The command 'bo' places blue filled circles at \(x\),\(y\) coordinates. Documentation for matplotlib.pyplot.plot() can be found here.

9.6.4 Dataset Storage Types

There are four different built-in dataset storage types in Python: lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries (Table 9.4). Data storage types of Python objects can be identified with the Python function type().

Table 9.4: The four Python dataset storage types.
Storage type Example Entry characteristics
List ["hot","cold"] Ordered entries, Changeable, Mult. data storage types, Duplicates OK.
Tuple ("hot","cold") Ordered entries, Unchangeable, Mult. data storage types, Duplicates OK.
Set {"hot","cold"} Ordered entries, Unchangeable, Mult. data storage types, Duplicates not OK.
Dictionary {"temp":["hot", cold"]} Ordered entries, Changeable, Mult. data storage types, Duplicates not OK.

We can make a Python list, which can contain both text and numeric data, using square brackets or the function list().

a = [20, 7, "Hi", 7, "end"]

An empty list can be specified as []

empty = []

Like R, we can index list elements using square brackets. Importantly, a[0] refers to the first element of the list a.


And the third element would be:


Square brackets can also be used to reassign list values

a[3] = 10
[20, 7, 'Hi', 10, 'end']

We can use the function .append() to append entries to the end of list. For instance, to append the number 9 to the object a in the previous example, I could type:

[20, 7, 'Hi', 10, 'end', 9]

Unlike a Python list, a data object called a tuple, which is designated using parentheses, contains elements that cannot be changed:

b = (1,2,3,4,5)
b[0] = 10 # produces error

Multidimensional numerical arrays, including matrices, can be created using functions from numpy. Here we define:

\[\boldsymbol{B} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 4 & 5 \\ 9 & 7.2 & 4 \end{bmatrix} \]

and find \(\boldsymbol{B} - 5\).

B = np.array([[1, 4, 5], [9, 7.2, 4]])
array([[1. , 4. , 5. ],
       [9. , 7.2, 4. ]])
B - 5
array([[-4. , -1. ,  0. ],
       [ 4. ,  2.2, -1. ]])

Extensive linear algebra tools are contained in the libraries numpy and scipy.

9.6.5 Mathematical Operations

Basic Python mathematical operators are generally (but not always) identical to R. For instance, note that for exponentiation ** is used instead of ^ (Table 9.5).

Table 9.5: Basic Python mathematical functions and operators.
Operator Operation To find We type
+ addition \(2 + 2\) 2 + 2
- subtraction \(2 - 2\) 2 - 2
* multiplication \(2 \times 2\) 2 * 2
/ division \(\frac{2}{3}\) 2/3
** exponentiation \(2^3\) 2**3
sqrt(x) \(\sqrt{x}\) \(\sqrt{2}\) numpy.sqrt(2)
factorial(x) \(x!\) \(5!\) numpy.math.factorial(5)
log \(\log_e\) \(\log_e(3)\) numpy.log(3)
pi \(\pi = 3.141593 \dots\) \(\pi\) numpy.pi
inf \(\infty\) \(\infty\) float('inf')
-inf \(\-infty\) \(\-infty\) float('-inf')

Symbolic derivative solutions to functions can be obtained using functions from the library sympy. Results from the package functions can be printed in LaTeX for pretty mathematics.

py_install("sympy", pip = TRUE) # run in R if sympy hasn't been installed

Here we solve: \[\frac{d}{dx} 3e^{-x^2}\]

from sympy import *
x = symbols ('x')
fx = 3 * exp(-x ** 2)

\[- 6 x e^{- x^{2}}\] In Line 2, x is defined symbolically using the sympy.symbols() function. The variable x is used as a term in the expression fx in Line 3. The function fx is differentiated in Line 4 using the function sympy.diff().

Integration in Python can be handled with the function quad() in scipy. Here we find: \[\int_0^1 3e^{-x^2} dx\]

To perform integration we must install the scipy.integrate library using pip and bring in the function quad().

from scipy.integrate import quad

We then define the integrand as a Python function using the function def(). That is, def() is analogous to function() in R.

def f(x):
  return 3 * np.exp(-x**2)

We now run quad() on the user function f with the defined bounds of integration.

quad(f, 0, 1)
(2.240472398437281, 2.487424042782217e-14)

The first number is the value of the definite integral (in this case, the area under the function f from 0 to 1). The second is a measure of the absolute error in the numerical approximation.

9.6.6 Reading in Data

Data in delimited files, including .csv files, can be read into Python using the numpy function loadtxt().

Example 9.7 \(\text{}\)
Assume that we have a comma separated dataset, named ffall.csv, located in the Python working directory, describing the free fall properties of some object over six seconds, with columns for observation number, time (in seconds), altitude (in mm) and uncertainty (in mm). The Python working directory (which need not be the same as the R working directory in RStudio) can be identified using the function getcwd() from the library os.

import os

We can load freefall.csv using:

obs, time, height, error = np.loadtxt("ffall.csv", 
delimiter = ",", skiprows = 1, unpack = True)

The first row was skipped (using skiprows = 1) because it contained column names and those were re-assigned when I brought in the data. Note that, unlike R, columns in the dataset are automatically attached to the global environment upon loading, and will overwrite objects with the same name.

height/1000 # height in meters
array([0.18 , 0.182, 0.178, 0.165, 0.16 , 0.148, 0.136, 0.12 , 0.099,
       0.083, 0.055, 0.035, 0.005])

File readers in pandas are less clunky (and more similar to R). We can bring in freefall.csv using the function pandas.read_csv():

py_install("pandas")  # Run if pandas is not installed 
import pandas as pd # run in a Python chunk
ffall = pd.read_csv('ffall.csv')
    obs  time  height  error
0     1   0.0     180   3.50
1     2   0.5     182   4.50
2     3   1.0     178   4.00
3     4   1.5     165   5.50
4     5   2.0     160   2.50
5     6   2.5     148   3.00
6     7   3.0     136   2.50
7     8   3.5     120   3.00
8     9   4.0      99   4.00
9    10   4.5      83   2.50
10   11   5.0      55   3.60
11   12   5.5      35   1.75
12   13   6.0       5   0.75

The object ffall is a Pandas DataFrame, which is different in several respects, from an R dataframe. Column arrays in ffall can be called using the syntax: ffall., or by using braces. For instance:

0     180
1     182
2     178
3     165
4     160
5     148
6     136
7     120
8      99
9      83
10     55
11     35
12      5
Name: height, dtype: int64
0     180
1     182
2     178
3     165
4     160
5     148
6     136
7     120
8      99
9      83
10     55
11     35
12      5
Name: height, dtype: int64


In RStudio, R and Python (reticulate) sessions are considered separately. In this process, when accessing Python from R, R data types are automatically converted to their equivalent Python types. Conversely, When values are returned from Python to R they are converted back to R types. It is possible, however, to access each from the others’ session.

The reticulate operator py allows one to interact with a Python session directly from the R console. Here I convert the pandas DataFrame ffall into a recognizable R dataframe, within R.

ffallR <- py$ffall

Which allows me to examine it with R functions.

     obs     time   height    error 
  7.0000   3.0000 118.9231   3.1615 

On Lines 1 and 2 in the chunk below, I bring in the Python library pandas into R with the function reticulate:import(). The code pd <- import("pandas", convert = FALSE) is the Python equivalent to: import pandas as pd.

pd <- import("pandas", convert = FALSE)

As expected, the column names constitute the names attribute of the dataframe ffallR.

[1] "obs"    "time"   "height" "error" 

The ffall dataset, however, has different characteristics as a Python object. Note that in the code below the pandas function read_csv() is accessed using pd$read_csv() instead of pd.read_csv() because an R chunk is being used.

ffallP <- pd$read_csv("ffall.csv")

The names attribute of the pandas DataFrame ffallP, as perceived by R, contains over 200 entities, many of which are provided by the built-in Python module statistics. Here are the first 20.

head(names(ffallP), 20)
 [1] "abs"        "add"        "add_prefix" "add_suffix" "agg"       
 [6] "aggregate"  "align"      "all"        "any"        "apply"     
[11] "applymap"   "asfreq"     "asof"       "assign"     "astype"    
[16] "at"         "at_time"    "attrs"      "axes"       "backfill"  

I can use these entities to obtain statistical summaries of each column array, revealing an approach for R/Python syntheses.

obs         7.000000
time        3.000000
height    118.923077
error       3.161538
dtype: float64
obs         15.166667
time         3.791667
height    3495.243590
error        1.512147
dtype: float64
obs      -1.200000
time     -1.200000
height   -0.692166
error     0.445443
dtype: float64

For further analysis in R these expression will need to be explicitly converted to R objects using the function py_to_r().

trans <- ffallP$transpose() # transpose matrix
transR <- py_to_r(trans)

apply(transR, 1, mean)
     obs     time   height    error 
  7.0000   3.0000 118.9231   3.1615 

9.6.7 Python versus R

R allows much greater flexibility than Python for explicit statistical analyses and graphical summaries. For example, the Python statistics library Pymer4 actually uses generalized linear mixed effect model (see Aho (2014)) functions from the R package lme4 to complete computations. Additionally, Python tends to be less efficient than R for pseudo-random number generation108, since it requires looping to generate multiple pseudo-random outcomes (see Van Rossum and Drake (2009)).

Example 9.8 \(\text{}\)
Here I generate \(10^8\) pseudo-random outcomes from a continuous uniform distribution (processor details footnoted in Example 9.2).

system.time(ranR <- runif(1e8))
   user  system elapsed 
   2.36    0.20    2.58 


import time
import random
ranP = []

start_time = time.time()
for i in range(0,9999999):
  n = random.random()
time.time() - start_time

The operation takes much longer for Python than R.

The Python code above requires some explanation. On Lines 1 and 2, the Python modules \(time\) and \(random\) are loaded from the Python standard library, and on Line 3 an empty list ranP is created that will be filled as the loop commences. On Line 5, the start time for the operation is recorded using the function time() from the module time. On Line 6 a sequence of length \(10^8\) is defined as a reference for the index variable i as the for loop commences. On Lines 7 and 8 a random number is generated using the function random() from the module random and this number is appended to ranP. Note that Lines 7 and 8 are indented to indicate that they reside in the loop. Finally, on Line 9 the start time is subtracted from the end time to get the system time for the operation.


On the other hand, the system time efficiency of Python may be better than R for many applications, including the management of large datasets (Morandat et al. 2012).

Example 9.9 \(\text{}\)
Here I add the randomly generated dataset to itself in R:

system.time(ranR + ranR)
   user  system elapsed 
   0.14    0.15    0.30 

and Python:

start_time = time.time()
diff = ranP + ranP
time.time() - start_time

For this operation, Python is faster.


Of course, IDEs like RStudio allow, through the package reticulate, simultaneous use of both R and Python systems, allowing one to draw on the strengths of each language.


  1. The Fortran script below calculates the circumference of the earth (in km) for a given latitude (measured in radians). For additional information, see Question 6 from the Exercises in Ch 2. Explain what is happening in each line of code below. hi.temps$day2 using do.call().
subroutine circumf(x, n)
double precision x(n)
integer n
x = cos(x)*40075.017
  1. Create a file circumf.f90 containing the code and save it to an appropriate directory. Take a screen shot of the directory.

  2. Compile circumf.f90 to create circumf.dll. In Windows this will require the shell script:

cd Root part of address\bin\x64  
R CMD SHLIB Appropriate directory/circumf.f90
      You will have to supply your own Root part of address, and Approriate directory will be the directory containing circumf.f90.
      Take a screenshot to show you have created circumf.dll. Running the shell code may require that you use the shell as an Administrator.)
  1. Here is a wrapper109 for circumf.dll. Again, you will have to supply Approriate directory. Explain what is happening on Lines 2, 4, and 5. And, finally, run: cearthf(0:90). hi.temps$day2 using do.call().
cearthf <- function(latdeg){
  x <- latdeg * pi/180
  n <- length(x)
  dyn.load("Appropriate directory/circumf.dll")
  out <- .Fortran("circumf", x = as.double(x), n = as.integer(n))
  1. Here is a C script that is identical in functionality to the Fortran script in Q. 1. The code: #include <math.h> allows access to C mathematical functions, including cos(). Describe what is happening on Lines 7-10.

#include <math.h>

void circumc(int *nin, double *x)
  int n = nin[0];
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    x[i] = (cos(x[i]) * 40075.017);
  1. Repeat Qs, 2 and 3 for the C subroutine circumc.

  2. Here is an R wrapper for circumc.dll. Explain what is happening on Lines 4-6 and run: cearthc(0:90).

cearthc <- function(latdeg){
  x <- latdeg * pi/180
  n <- length(x)
  dyn.load("Appropriate directory/circumc.dll",
           nin = n, x)
  out <- .C("circumc", n = as.integer(n), x = as.double(x))
  1. Make a Python list with elements "pear", "banana", and "cherry".

    1. Extract the second item in the list.
    2. Replace the first item in the list with "melon".
    3. Append the number 3 to the list.
  2. Make a Python tuple with elements "pear", "banana", and "cherry".

    1. Extract the second item in the tuple.
    2. Replace the first item in the tuple with "melon". Was there an issue?
    3. Append the number 3 to the tuple. Was there an issue?
  3. Using def(), write a Python function that will square any value x, and adds a constant c to the squared value of x.

  4. Call Python from R to complete Problem 5 (a-h) from the Exercises in Ch 2. Document your work in R Markdown. For Problem 5g and 5h note how much better sympy.dif is at simplifying derivatives than the R function D.