3 Data Objects, Packages, and Datasets
"In God we trust. All others [must] have data."
- Edwin R. Fisher, cancer pathologist
3.1 Data Storage Objects
There are five primary types of data storage objects in R. These are: (atomic) vectors, matrices, arrays, dataframes, and lists42.
3.1.1 Vectors
Historically (and confusingly), the conception of an R “vector” can be traced directly to the earliest object-class defined in the S language43. From this inception, an R vector is either an atomic vector –thus belonging one of the six atomic vector types: logical
, integer
, numeric
, complex
, character
and raw
– or an object of either class expression
or class list
. Objects of class expression
generally contain mathematical calls or symbols that can be evaluated with the function eval()
(see Section 2.8.6). Objects of class list
are formally considered in Section 3.1.5.
Recall that R classes were introduced in Section 2.3.4 and fundamental classes were listed in Table 2.1. Because of their importance, the first eight classes shown in Table 2.1 classify vectors, and the first six specifically classify atomic vectors. Atomic vectors
Atomic vectors constitute “the essential bottom layer” of R data (Chambers 2008). This characteristic is evident when viewing the relationship of atomic vectors to other data storage objects (Fig 3.1).

Figure 3.1: An example of R atomic vectors as building blocks for more complex data storage objects. Five atomic vectors are shown. Three are numeric
(colored blue), one is logical
(colored peach), and one is a character
vector (light green). The numeric
vectors are incorporated into a single matrix (which can have only one data storage mode), using cbind()
. One of the numeric
vectors, along with the character
and logical
vectors are incorporated into a dataframe (which can have multiple data storage modes). Finally, the matrix and dataframe are brought into a list
, along with an anomolous function and character string.
Atomic vectors are simple data storage objects with a one data storage mode (base type). That is, a single atomic vector cannot contain data with both logical
, and character
base types (and classes), and a single atomic vector of class numeric
, (which can have base types integer
or double
) cannot contain data from both of those base types.
We can create atomic vectors using the function c()
Example 3.1 \(\text{}\)
Here is a logical
atomic vector:
[1] "logical"
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
Logical objects, and the testing of object class membership –demonstrated above with is.logical(x)
, is.vector(x)
, and is.atomic(x)
– are formally introduced in Sections 3.2 and 3.3, respectively.
Example 3.2 \(\text{}\)
Here is an atomic vector of character strings (i.e., a character vector)44. Note that the strings require quote '
or "
[1] "character"
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
Example 3.3 \(\text{}\)
We can explicitly define a number, x
, to be an an integer with the script xL
. Thus, the code below specifies an atomic integer
[1] "integer"
[1] "integer"
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
Example 3.4 \(\text{}\)
Here is a numeric
atomic vector stored with double precision:
[1] "numeric"
[1] "double"
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
Atomic vectors have order and length, but no dimension. This is clearly different from the linear algebra conception of a vector. Specifically, in linear algebra, a row vector with \(n\) elements has dimension \(1 \times n\) (1 row and \(n\) columns), whereas a column vector has dimension \(n \times 1\).
Example 3.5 \(\text{}\)
Consider the numeric
atomic vector from the previous example (Example 3.4).
[1] 3
The function as.matrix(x)
(see Section 3.3.4) can be used to coerce x
to have a matrix structure with dimension \(3 \times 1\) (3 rows and 1 column). Thus, in R a matrix has dimension, but a vector does not.
[1] 3 1
Any single value object of class numeric
, complex
, integer
, logical
, or character
is an atomic vector.
Example 3.6 \(\text{}\)
Complex numbers in R are defined by codifying their real parts conventionally, and their imaginary parts with i
. Recall that the square of an imaginary number \(bi\) is \(−b^2\).
x <- -2 + 1i^2 # -2 is real
[1] "complex"
[1] "complex"
[1] TRUE
We can add a names
attribute to vector elements.
Example 3.7 \(\text{}\)
For example:
x <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
a b c
1 2 3
Recall that the function attributes()
can be used to list an object’s attributes:
[1] "a" "b" "c"
The function attr()
can be used to obtain (or set) values associated with a particular attribute.
attr(x, "names") # or names(x)
[1] "a" "b" "c"
Importantly, when an element-wise operation is applied to two unequal length vectors, R will generate a warning and automatically recycle elements of the shorter vector.
Example 3.8 \(\text{}\)
For example,
Warning in c(1, 2, 3) + c(1, 0, 4, 5, 13): longer object length is not a
multiple of shorter object length
[1] 2 2 7 6 15
In this case, the result of the addition of the two vectors is: \(1 + 1, 2 + 0, 3 + 4, 1 + 5\), and \(2 + 13\). Thus, the first two elements in the first object are recycled in the vector-wise addition.
3.1.2 Matrices
Matrices are two-dimensional (row and column) data structures whose elements must all have the same data storage mode (typically "double"
) (Fig 3.1).
The function matrix()
can be used to create matrices.
Example 3.9 \(\text{}\)
Consider the following examples:
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 3
[2,] 2 2
Note that matrix()
assumes that data are entered “by column.” That is, the first two entries in the data
argument are placed in column one, and the last two entries are placed in column two. One can enter data “by row” by adding the argument byrow = TRUE
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 2
[2,] 3 2
Matrix algebra operations can be applied directly to R matrices (Table 3.1). More complex matrix analyses are also possible, including spectral decomposition (function eigen()
), and single value, QR, and Cholesky decompositions (the functions svd()
, qr()
, chol()
, respectively).
Operator | Operation | To find: | We type: |
t() |
Matrix transpose | \(\boldsymbol{A}^T\) | t(A) |
%*% |
Matrix multiply | \(\boldsymbol{A} \cdot \boldsymbol{A}\) | A%*%A |
det() |
Determinant | \(Det(\boldsymbol{A})\) | det(A) |
solve() |
Matrix inverse | \(\boldsymbol{A}^{-1}\) | solve(A) |
Example 3.10 \(\text{}\)
In Example 3.9, matrix A
has the form:
\[\boldsymbol{A} = \begin{bmatrix}
1 & 3\\
2 & 2
Consider the operations:
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 2
[2,] 3 2
A %*% A
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 7 9
[2,] 6 10
[1] -4
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -0.5 0.75
[2,] 0.5 -0.25
We can use the function cbind()
to combine vectors into matrix columns,
a b
[1,] 1 2
[2,] 2 3
[3,] 3 4
and use the function rbind()
to combine vectors into matrix rows.
[,1] [,2] [,3]
a 1 2 3
b 2 3 4
3.1.3 Arrays
Arrays are one, two dimensional (matrix), or three or more dimensional data structures whose elements contain a single type of data. Thus, while all matrices are arrays, not all arrays are matrices.
[1] "matrix" "array"
As with matrices, elements in arrays can have only one data storage mode.
typeof(A) # base type (data storage mode)
[1] "double"
The function array()
can be used to create arrays. The first argument in array()
defines the data. The second argument is a vector that defines both the number of dimensions (this will be the length of the vector), and the number of levels in each dimension (numbers in dimension elements).
Example 3.11 \(\text{}\)
Here is a \(2 \times 2 \times 2\) array:
, , 1
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 3
[2,] 2 4
, , 2
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 5 7
[2,] 6 8
[1] "array"
3.1.4 Dataframes
Like matrices, dataframes are two-dimensional structures. Dataframe columns, however, can have different data storage modes (e.g., double
and character
) (Fig 3.1). The function data.frame()
can be used to create dataframes.
df <- data.frame(numeric = c(1, 2, 3), non.numeric = c("a", "b", "c"))
numeric non.numeric
1 1 a
2 2 b
3 3 c
[1] "data.frame"
Because of the possibility of different data storage modes for distinct columns, the data storage mode of a dataframe is "list"
(see Section 3.1.5, below). Specifically, a dataframe is a two dimensional list, whose storage elements are columns.
[1] "list"
A names
attribute will exist for each dataframe column45.
Example 3.12 \(\text{}\)
Consider the dataframe df
[1] "numeric" "non.numeric"
The $
operator allows access to dataframe column names.
[1] "a" "b" "c"
The $
operator allows partial matches when specifying dataframe names:
[1] "a" "b" "c"
The underlying vector structure of dataframes and lists (Fig 3.1) results in a potential nested configuration of base types. In particular, although all R objects must have a single overarching base type, dataframe and list subcomponents may contain data with distinct base types.
Example 3.13 \(\text{}\)
For instance,
[1] "list"
[1] "double"
[1] "character"
The function attach()
allows R to recognize column names of a dataframe as global variables.
Example 3.14 \(\text{}\)
Following attachment of df
, the column non.numeric
can be directly accessed:
[1] "a" "b" "c"
The function detach()
is the programming inverse of attach()
Error: object 'non.numeric' not found
The functions rm()
and remove()
will entirely remove any R-object –including a vector, matrix, or dataframe– from a session. To remove all objects from the workspace one can use rm(list=ls())
or (in RStudio) the “broom” button in the environments and history panel46.
A safer alternative to attach()
is the function with()
. Using with()
eliminates concerns about multiple variables with the same name becoming mixed up in functions. This is because the variable names for a dataframe specified in with()
will not be permanently attached in an R-session.
Example 3.15 \(\text{}\)
Despite the removal of the df
column non.numeric
from the R search path in the second part of Example 3.14, the column can be called directly when using with()
with(df, non.numeric)
[1] "a" "b" "c"
3.1.5 Lists
Lists are often used to contain miscellaneous associated objects. Like dataframes, lists need not use a single data storage mode. Unlike dataframes, however, lists can include objects that do not have the same dimensionality, including functions, character strings, multiple matrices and dataframes with varying dimensionality, and even other lists (Fig 3.1). The function list()
can be used to create lists.
Example 3.16 \(\text{}\)
Here we explore the characteristics of a simple list
[1] 1 2 3
[1] "this.is.a.list"
[1] "list"
[1] "list"
Note that lists are vectors:
[1] TRUE
Although they are not atomic vectors:
Reflecting dataframes, objects in lists can be called with partial matching using the $
operator. Here is the character string second
from ldata
[1] "this.is.a.list"
The function str
attempts to display the internal structure of an R object. It is extremely useful for succinctly displaying the contents of complex objects like lists.
Example 3.17 \(\text{}\)
For ldata1
we have:
List of 2
$ first : num [1:3] 1 2 3
$ second: chr "this.is.a.list"
The output confirms that ldata1
is a list containing two objects: a sequence of numbers from 1 to 3, and a character string.
The function do.call()
is useful for large scale manipulations of data storage objects, particularly lists.
Example 3.18 \(\text{}\)
For example, what if you had a list containing multiple dataframes with the same column names that you wanted to bind together?
ldata2 <- list(df1 = data.frame(lo.temp = c(-1,3,5),
high.temp = c(78, 67, 90)),
df2 = data.frame(lo.temp = c(-4,3,7),
high.temp = c(75, 87, 80)),
df3 = data.frame(lo.temp = c(-0,2),
high.temp = c(70, 80)))
You could do something like:
lo.temp high.temp
df1.1 -1 78
df1.2 3 67
df1.3 5 90
df2.1 -4 75
df2.2 3 87
df2.3 7 80
df3.1 0 70
df3.2 2 80
Or what if I wanted to replicate the df3
dataframe from ldata
above, by binding it onto the bottom of itself three times? I could do something like:
lo.temp high.temp
1 0 70
2 2 80
3 0 70
4 2 80
5 0 70
6 2 80
Note the use of the function replicate()
3.2 Boolean Operations
Computer operations that dichotomously classify TRUE
statements are called logical or Boolean. In R, a Boolean operation will always return one of the values TRUE
. R logical operators are listed in Table 3.2.
Operator | Operation | To ask: | We type: |
> |
\(>\) | Is x greater than y ? |
x > y |
>= |
\(\geq\) | Is x greater than or equal to y ? |
x >= y |
< |
\(<\) | Is x less than y ? |
x < y |
<= |
\(\leq\) | Is x less than or equal to y
x <= y |
== |
\(=\) | Is x equal to y ? |
x == y |
!= |
\(\neq\) | Is x not equal to y ? |
x != y |
& |
and | Do x and y equal z ? |
x & y == z |
&& |
and (control flow) | Do x and y equal z ? |
x && y == z |
| | or | Do x or y equal z ? |
x | y == z
|| | or (control flow) | Do x or y equal z ? |
x || y == z
Note that there are two ways to specify “and” (&
and &&
), and two ways to specify “or” (|
and ||
). The longer forms of “and” and “or” evaluate queries from left to right, stopping when a result is determined. Thus, this form is more appropriate for programming control-flow operations.
Example 3.19
For demonstration purposes, here is a simple dataframe:
dframe <- data.frame(
Age = c(18,22,23,21,22,19,18,18,19,21),
Sex = c("M","M","M","M","M","F","F","F","F","F"),
Weight_kg = c(63.5,77.1,86.1,81.6,70.3,49.8,54.4,59.0,65,69)
Age Sex Weight_kg
1 18 M 63.5
2 22 M 77.1
3 23 M 86.1
4 21 M 81.6
5 22 M 70.3
6 19 F 49.8
7 18 F 54.4
8 18 F 59.0
9 19 F 65.0
10 21 F 69.0
The R logical operator for equals is ==
(Table 3.2). Thus, to identify Age
outcomes equal to 21 we type:
with(dframe, Age == 21)
The argument Age == 21
has base type logical
typeof(dframe$Age == 21)
[1] "logical"
The unary operator for “not” is !
(Table 3.2). Thus, to identify Age
outcomes not equal to 21 we could type:
with(dframe, Age != 21)
Multiple Boolean queries can be made. Here we identify Age
data less than 19, or equal to 21.
with(dframe, Age < 19 | Age == 21)
Queries can involve multiple variables. For instance, here we identify males less than or equal to 21 years old that weigh less than 80 kg.
with(dframe, Age <= 21 & Sex == "M", weight < 80)
3.3 Testing and Coercing Classes
3.3.1 Testing Classes
As demonstrated in Section 3.1, functions exist to logically test for object membership to major R classes. These functions generally begin with an is.
prefix and include: is.atomic()
, is.vector()
, is.matrix()
, is.array()
, is.list()
, is.factor()
, is.double()
, is.integer()
, is.character()
, and many others.
The Boolean function is.numeric()
can be used to test if an object or an object’s components behave like numbers47.
Example 3.20 \(\text{}\)
For example,
x <- c(23, 34, 10)
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
Thus, x
contains numbers stored with double precision.
Data objects with categorical entries can be created using the function factor()
. In statistics the term “factor” refers to a categorical variable whose categories (factor levels) are likely replicated as treatments in an experimental design.
The R class factor
streamlines many analytical processes, including summarization of a quantitative variable with respect to a factor and specifying interactions of two or more factors.
Example 3.22 \(\text{}\)
Here we see the interaction of levels in x
with levels in another factor, y
y <- factor(c("a","b","c","d"))
interaction(x, y)
[1] 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.d
16 Levels: 1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a 1.b 2.b 3.b 4.b 1.c 2.c 3.c 4.c 1.d 2.d ... 4.d
Sixteen interactions are possible, although only four actually occur when simultaneously considering x
and y
To decrease memory usage48, objects of class factor
have an unexpected base type:
[1] "integer"
Despite this designation, and the fact that categories in x
are distinguished using numbers, the entries in x
do not have a numerical meaning and cannot be evaluated mathematically.
x + 5
Warning in Ops.factor(x, 5): '+' not meaningful for factors
Occasionally an ordering of categorical levels is desirable. For instance, assume that we wish to apply three different imprecise temperature treatments "low"
, "med"
and "high"
in an experiment with six experimental units. While we do not know the exact temperatures of these levels, we know that "med"
is hotter than "low"
and "high"
is hotter than "med"
. To provide this categorical ordering we can use factor(data, ordered = TRUE)
or the function ordered()
Example 3.23 \(\text{}\)
x <- factor(c("med","low","high","high","med","low"),
levels = c("low","med","high"),
ordered = TRUE)
[1] med low high high med low
Levels: low < med < high
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
The levels
argument in factor()
specifies the correct ordering of levels.
3.3.2 ifelse()
The function ifelse()
can be applied to atomic vectors or one dimensional arrays (e.g., rows or columns) to evaluate a logical argument and provide particular outcomes if the argument is TRUE
. The function requires three arguments.
- The first argument,
, gives the logical test to be evaluated. - The second argument,
, provides the output if the test is true. - The third argument,
, provides the output if the test is false.
For instance:
ifelse(dframe$Age < 20, "Young", "Not so young")
[1] "Young" "Not so young" "Not so young" "Not so young"
[5] "Not so young" "Young" "Young" "Young"
[9] "Young" "Not so young"
3.3.3 if
, else
, any
, and all
A more generalized approach to providing a condition and then defining the consequences (often used in functions) uses the commands if
and else
, potentially in combination with the functions any()
and all()
. For instance:
if(any(dframe$Age < 20))"Young" else "Not so Young"
[1] "Young"
if(all(dframe$Age < 20))"Young" else "Not so Young"
[1] "Not so Young"
3.3.4 Coercion
Objects can be switched from one class to another using coercion functions that begin with an as.
prefix49. Analogues to the testing (.is
) functions listed above are:
, as.array()
, as.list()
, as.factor()
, as.double()
, as.integer()
, and as.character()
Example 3.24 \(\text{}\)
For instance, a non-factor object can be coerced to have class factor
with the function as.factor()
[1] TRUE
Coercion may result in removal and addition of attributes.
Example 3.25 \(\text{}\)
Conversion from an atomic vector to a matrix below results in the loss of the vector names attribute.
eulers_num log_exp pi
2.7183 1.0000 3.1416
[1] "eulers_num" "log_exp" "pi"
Coercion may also have unexpected results.
Example 3.26 \(\text{}\)
Here NA
s (Section 3.3.5) result when attempting to coerce a object with apparent mixed storage modes to class numeric.
x <- c("a", "b", 10)
Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
[1] NA NA 10
Combining R objects with different base types results in coercion to a single base type. See Chambers (2008) for coercion rules.
Example 3.27 \(\text{}\)
Combining a numeric
vector with base type double
and a character
vector, results in an object with class and base type character
[1] "1.2" "3.2" "1.5" "a" "b" "c"
[1] "character"
[1] "character"
and combining a numeric
vector with base type double
, and a numeric
vector with base type integer
results in a numeric
vector with base type double
[1] 1.2 3.2 1.5 1.0 2.0 3.0
[1] "numeric"
[1] "double"
3.3.5 NA
R identifies missing values (empty cells) as NA
, which means “not available.” Hence, the R function to identify missing values is is.na()
Example 3.28 \(\text{}\)
For example:
Conversely, to identify outcomes that are not missing, I would use the “not” operator to specify !is.na()
There are a number of R functions to get rid of missing values. These include na.omit()
Example 3.29 \(\text{}\)
For example:
[1] 2 3 1 2 3 2
[1] 5
[1] "omit"
We see that R dropped the missing observation and then told us which observation was omitted (observation number 5).
Functions in R often, but not always, have built in capacities to handle missing data, for instance, by calling na.omit()
Example 3.30 \(\text{}\)
Consider the following dataframe which provides plant percent cover data for four plant species at two sites. Plant species are identified with four letter codes, consisting of the first two letters of the Linnaean genus and species names.
field.data <- data.frame(ACMI = c(12, 13), ELSC = c(0, 4), CAEL = c(NA, 2),
CAPA = c(20, 30), TACE = c(0, 2))
row.names(field.data) <- c("site1", "site2")
site1 12 0 NA 20 0
site2 13 4 2 30 2
The function complete.cases()
checks for completeness of the data in rows of a data array.
If na.omit()
is applied in this context, the entire row containing the missing observation will be dropped.
site2 13 4 2 30 2
Unfortunately, this means that information about the other four species at site one will lost. Thus, it is generally more rational to remove NA
values while retaining non-missing values. For instance, many statistical functions have to capacity to base summaries on non-NA
mean(field.data[1,], na.rm = TRUE)
Warning in mean.default(field.data[1, ], na.rm = TRUE): argument is not
numeric or logical: returning NA
[1] NA
3.3.6 NaN
The designation NaN
is associated with the current conventions of the IEEE 754-2008 arithmetic used by R. It means “not a number.” Mathematical operations which produce NaN
[1] NaN
[1] NaN
Warning in sin(Inf): NaNs produced
[1] NaN
3.3.7 NULL
In object oriented programming, a null object has no referenced value or has a defined neutral behavior (Wikipedia 2023b). Occasionally one may wish to specify that an R object is NULL
. For example, a NULL
object can be included as an argument in a function without requiring that it has a particular value or meaning. As with NA
and NaN
, the NULL
specification is easy.
Example 3.31 \(\text{}\)
It is straightforward to designate an object as NULL
x <- NULL
The class and base type of x
are NULL
[1] "NULL"
[1] "NULL"
It should be emphasized that R-objects or elements within objects that are NA
, NaN
cannot be identified with the Boolean operators ==
or !=
Example 3.32 \(\text{}\)
For instance:
x == NULL
y <- NA
y == NA
[1] NA
Instead, one should use is.na()
, is.nan()
or is.null()
to identify NA
, NaN
components, respectively.
Example 3.33 \(\text{}\)
That is:
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
3.4 Accessing and Subsetting Data With []
One can subset data storage objects using square bracket operators, i.e., []
, along with a variety of functions50. Because of their simplicity, I focus on square brackets for subsetting here. Gaining skills with square brackets will greatly enhance your ability to manipulate datasets in R.
As toy datasets here are an atomic vector (with a names attribute), a matrix, a three dimensional array, a dataframe, and a list:
vdat <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
a b c
1 2 3
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 3
[2,] 2 4
, , 1
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 3
[2,] 2 4
, , 2
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 5 7
[2,] 6 8
ddat <- data.frame(numeric = c(1, 2, 3), non.numeric = c("a", "b", "c"))
numeric non.numeric
1 1 a
2 2 b
3 3 c
[1] 1 2 3
[1] "this.is.a.list"
To obtain the \(i\)th component from an atomic vector, matrix, array, dataframe or list named foo
we would specify foo[i]
Example 3.34 \(\text{}\)
For instance, here is the first component of our toy data objects:
[1] 1
[1] 1
1 1
2 2
3 3
[1] 1 2 3
Importantly, we see that dataframes and lists view their \(i\)th element as the \(i\)th column and the \(i\)th list element, respectively.
We can also apply double square brackets, i.e., [[]]
to list-type objects, i.e., atomic vectors and explicit lists, with similar results. Note, however, that the data subsets will now be missing their name attributes.
Example 3.35 \(\text{}\)
For example:
[1] 1
[1] 1 2 3
If a data storage object has a names attribute, then a name can be placed in square brackets to obtain corresponding data.
Example 3.36 \(\text{}\)
For example:
1 1
2 2
3 3
The advantage of square brackets over $
in this an application is that several components can be specified simultaneously using the former approach:
non.numeric numeric
1 a 1
2 b 2
3 c 3
If foo has a row \(\times\) column structure, i.e., a matrix, array, or dataframe, we could obtain the \(i\)th column from foo using foo[,i]
(or foo[[i]]
) and the \(j\)th row from foo using foo[j,]
Example 3.37 \(\text{}\)
For example, here is the second column from mdat
[1] 3 4
and the first row from ddat
numeric non.numeric
1 1 a
The element from foo
corresponding to row j and column i can be accessed using: foo[j, i]
, or foo[,i][j]
, or foo[j,][i]
Example 3.38 \(\text{}\)
For example:
mdat[1,2]; mdat[,2][1]; mdat[1,][2] # 1st element from 2nd column
[1] 3
[1] 3
[1] 3
Arrays may require more than two indices. For instance, for a three dimensional array, foo
, the specification foo[,j,i]
will return the entirety of the \(j\)th column in the \(i\)th component of the outermost dimension of foo
, whereas foo[k,j,i]
will return the \(k\)th element from the \(j\)th column in the \(i\)th component of the outermost dimension of foo
Example 3.39 \(\text{}\)
For example:
[1] 3 4
[1] 3
[1] 4
Ranges or particular subsets of elements from a data storage object can also be selected.
Example 3.40 \(\text{}\)
For instance, here I access rows two and three of ddat
ddat[2:3,] # note the position of the comma
numeric non.numeric
2 2 b
3 3 c
I can drop
data object components by using negative integers in square brackets.
Example 3.41 \(\text{}\)
Here I obtain an identical result to the example above by dropping row one from ddat
ddat[-1,] # drop row one
numeric non.numeric
2 2 b
3 3 c
Here I obtain ddat
rows one and three in two different ways:
numeric non.numeric
1 1 a
3 3 c
numeric non.numeric
1 1 a
3 3 c
Square braces can also be used to rearrange data components.
numeric non.numeric
3 3 c
1 1 a
2 2 b
Duplicate components:
[1] "this.is.a.list"
[1] "this.is.a.list"
Or even replace data components:
ddat[,2] <- c("d","e","f")
numeric non.numeric
1 1 d
2 2 e
3 3 f
3.4.1 Subsetting a Factor
Importantly, the factor level structure of a factor
will remain intact even if one or more of the levels are entirely removed.
Example 3.42 \(\text{}\)
For example:
fdat <- as.factor(ddat[,2])
[1] d e f
Levels: d e f
[1] e f
Levels: d e f
Note that the level a
remains a characteristic of fdat
, even though the cell containing the lone observation of a
was removed from the dataset. This outcome is allowed because it is desirable for certain analytical situations (for instance, summarizations that should acknowledge missing data for some levels).
To remove levels that no longer occur in a factor
, we can use the function droplevels()
3.4.2 Subsetting with Boolean Operators
Boolean (TRUE
) outcomes can be used in combination with square brackets to subset data.
Example 3.44 \(\text{}\)
Consider the dataframe used earlier (Exercise 3.19) to demonstrate logical commands.
dframe <- data.frame(
Age = c(18,22,23,21,22,19,18,18,19,21),
Sex = c("M","M","M","M","M","F","F","F","F","F"),
Weight_kg = c(63.5,77.1,86.1,81.6,70.3,49.8,54.4,59.0,65,69)
Here we extract Age
outcomes less than or equal to 21.
ageTF <- dframe$Age <= 21
[1] 18 21 19 18 18 19 21
We could also use this information to obtain entire rows of the dataframe.
Age Sex Weight_kg
1 18 M 63.5
4 21 M 81.6
6 19 F 49.8
7 18 F 54.4
8 18 F 59.0
9 19 F 65.0
10 21 F 69.0
3.4.3 When Subset Is Larger Than Underlying Data
R allows one to make a data subset larger than underlying data itself, although this results in the generation of filler NA
Example 3.45 \(\text{}\)
Consider the following example:
x <- c(-2, 3, 4, 6, 45)
The atomic vector x
has length five. If I ask for a subset of length seven, I get:
[1] -2 3 4 6 45 NA NA
3.4.4 Subsetting with upper.tri()
, lower.tri()
, and diag()
We can use square brackets alongside the functions upper.tri()
, lower.tri()
, and diag()
to examine the upper triangle, lower triangle, and diagonal parts of a matrix, respectively.
Example 3.46 \(\text{}\)
For example:
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 2 5
[2,] 2 4 1
[3,] 3 3 4
[1] 2 5 1
[1] 2 3 3
[1] 1 4 4
Note that upper.tri()
and lower.tri()
are used identify the appropriate triangle in the object mat
. Subsetting is then accomplished using square brackets.
3.5 Packages
An R package contains a set of related functions, documentation, and (often) data files that have been bundled together. The so-called R-distribution packages are included with a conventional download of R (Table 3.3). These packages are directly controlled by the R core development team and are extremely well-vetted and trustworthy.
Packages in Table 3.4 constitute the R-recommended packages. These are not necessarily controlled by the R core development team, but are also extremely useful, well-tested, and stable, and like the R-distribution packages, are included in conventional downloads of R.
Aside from distribution and recommended packages, there are a large number of contributed packages that have been created by R-users (\(> 20000\) as of 9/12/2023). Table 3.5 lists a few.
3.5.1 Package Installation
Contributed packages can be installed from CRAN (the Comprehensive R Archive Network). To do this, one can go to Packages\(>\)Install package(s) on the R-GUI toolbar, and choose a nearby CRAN mirror site to minimize download time (non-Unix only). Once a mirror site is selected, the packages available at the site will appear. One can simply click on the desired packages to install them. Packages can also be downloaded directly from the command line using install.packages("package name")
. Thus, to install the package vegan (see Table 3.5), I would simply type:
If local web access is not available, packages can be installed as compressed (.zip, .tar) files which can then be placed manually on a workstation by inserting the package files into the library folder within the top level R directory, or into a path-defined R library folder in a user directory.
The installation pathway for contributed packages can be identified using .libPath()
[1] "C:/Users/ahoken/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.4"
[2] "C:/Program Files/R/R-4.4.2/library"
This process can be facilitated in RStudio via the plots and files (see Section 2.9).
Several functions exist for updating packages and for comparing currently installed versions packages with their latest versions on CRAN or other repositories. The function old.packages()
indicates which currently installed packages which have a (suitable) later version. Here are a few of the packages I have installed that have later versions.
head(old.packages(repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org"))[,c(1,3,4,5)]
Package Installed Built ReposVer
ade4 "ade4" "1.7-22" "4.4.2" "1.7-23"
bit "bit" "" "4.4.2" "4.6.0"
cli "cli" "3.6.3" "4.4.2" "3.6.4"
cpp11 "cpp11" "0.5.1" "4.4.2" "0.5.2"
curl "curl" "6.2.0" "4.4.2" "6.2.1"
data.table "data.table" "1.16.4" "4.4.2" "1.17.0"
The function update.packages()
will identify, and offer to download and install later versions of installed packages.
3.5.2 Loading Packages
Once a contributed package is installed on a computer it never needs to be re-installed. However, for use in an R session, recommended packages, and installed contributed packages will need to be loaded. This can be done using the library()
function, or point and click tools if one is using RStudio. For example, to load the installed contributed vegan package, I would type:
Loading required package: permute
Loading required package: lattice
We see that two other packages are loaded when we load vegan: permute and lattice.
To detach vegan from the global environment, I would type:
We can check if a specific package is loaded using the function .packages()
. Most of the R distribution packages are loaded (by default) upon opening a session. Exceptions include compiler
, grid
, parallel
, splines
, stats4
, and tools
bpack <- c("base", "compiler", "datasets", "grDevices", "graphics",
"grid", "methods", "parallel", "splines", "stats", "stats4",
"tcltk", "tools", "translations", "utils")
sapply(bpack, function(x) (x %in% .packages()))
base compiler datasets grDevices graphics
grid methods parallel splines stats
stats4 tcltk tools translations utils
The function sapply()
, which allows application of a function to each element in a vector or list, is formally introduced in Section 4.1.1.
The package vegan is no longer loaded because of the application of detach(package:vegan)
We can get a summary of information about a session, including details about the version of R being used, the underlying computer platform, and the loaded packages with the function sessionInfo()
si <- sessionInfo()
[1] "R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31 ucrt)"
[1] "Windows 10 x64 (build 17134)"
[1] "Matrix" "jsonlite" "vegan" "compiler" "plotrix" "xml2"
This information is important to include when reporting issues to package maintainers.
Once a package is installed its functions can generally be accessed using the double colon metacharacter, ::
, even if the package is not actually loaded. For instance, the function vegan::diversity()
will allow access to the function diversity()
from vegan, even when vegan is not loaded.
[1] function (x, index = "shannon", groups, equalize.groups = FALSE,
[2] MARGIN = 1, base = exp(1))
The triple colon metacharacter, :::
, can be used to access internal package functions. These functions, however, are generally kept internal for good reason, and probably shouldn’t be used outside of the context of the rest of the package.
3.5.3 Other Package Repositories
Aside from CRAN, there are currently three other extensive repositories of R packages. First, the Bioconductor project (http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/Software/html) contains a large number of packages for the analysis of data from current and emerging biological assays. Bioconductor packages are generally not stored at CRAN. Packages can be downloaded from Bioconductor using an R
script called biocLite
. To access the script and download the package RCytoscape from Biocondctor, I could type:
Second, the Posit Package Manager (formerly the RStudio Package Manager) provides a repository interface for R packages from CRAN, Bioconductor, and packages for the Python system (see Section 9.6). Third, R-forge (http://r-forge.r-project.org/) contains releases of packages that have not yet been implemented into CRAN, and other miscellaneous code. Bioconductor, Posit, and R-forge can be specified as repositories from Packages\(>\)Select Repositories in the R-GUI (non-Unix only). Other informal R package and code repositories currently include GitHub and Zenodo.
Package | Maintainer | Topic(s) addressed by package | Author/Citation |
base | R Core Team | Base R functions | R Core Team (2023) |
compiler | R Core Team | R byte code compiler | R Core Team (2023) |
datasets | R Core Team | Base R datasets | R Core Team (2023) |
grDevices | R Core Team | Devices for base and grid graphics | R Core Team (2023) |
graphics | R Core Team | R functions for base graphics | R Core Team (2023) |
grid | R Core Team | Grid graphics layout capabilities | R Core Team (2023) |
methods | R Core Team | Formal methods and classes for R objects | R Core Team (2023) |
parallel | R Core Team | Support for parallel computation | R Core Team (2023) |
splines | R Core Team | Regression spline functions and classes | R Core Team (2023) |
stats | R Core Team | R statistical functions | R Core Team (2023) |
stats4 | R Core Team | Statistical functions with S4 classes | R Core Team (2023) |
tcltk | R Core Team | Language bindings to Tcl/Tk | R Core Team (2023) |
tools | R Core Team | Tools forpackage development/administration | R Core Team (2023) |
utils | R Core Team | R utility functions | R Core Team (2023) |
Package | Maintainer | Topic(s) addressed by package | Author/Citation |
KernSmooth | B. Ripley | Kernel smoothing | Wand (2023) |
MASS | B. Ripley | Important statistical methods | Venables and Ripley (2002) |
Matrix | M. Maechler | Classes and methods for matrices | Bates, Maechler, and Jagan (2023) |
boot | B. Ripley | Bootstrapping | Canty and Ripley (2022) |
class | B. Ripley | Classification | Venables and Ripley (2002) |
cluster | M. Maechler | Cluster analysis | Maechler et al. (2022) |
codetools | S. Wood | Code analysis tools | Tierney (2023) |
foreign | R core team | Data stored by non-R software | R Core Team (2023) |
lattice | D. Sarkar | Lattice graphics | Sarkar (2008) |
mgcv | S. Wood | Generalized Additive Models | S. N. Wood (2011), S. N. Wood (2017) |
nlme | R core team | Linear and non-linear mixed effect models | Pinheiro and Bates (2000) |
nnet | B. Ripley | Feed-forward neural networks | Venables and Ripley (2002) |
rpart | B. Ripley | Partitioning and regression trees | Venables and Ripley (2002) |
spatial | B. Ripley | Kriging and point pattern analysis | Venables and Ripley (2002) |
Package | Maintainer | Topic(s) addressed by package | Author/Citation |
asbio | K. Aho | Stats pedagogy and applied stats | Aho (2023) |
car | J. Fox | General linear models | Fox and Weisberg (2019) |
coin | T. Hothorn | Non-parametric analysis | Hothorn et al. (2006), Hothorn et al. (2008) |
ggplot2 | H. Wickham | Tidyverse grid graphics | Wickham (2016) |
lme4 | B. Bolker | Linear mixed-effects models | Bates et al. (2015) |
plotrix | J. Lemonetal. | Helpful graphical ideas | Lemon (2006) |
spdep | R. Bivand | Spatial analysis | Bivand, Pebesma, and Gómez-Rubio (2013), Pebesma and Bivand (2023) |
tidyverse | H. Wickham | Data science under the tidyverse | Wickham et al. (2019) |
vegan | J. Oksanen | Multivariate and ecological analysis | Oksanen et al. (2022) |
3.5.4 Accessing Package Information
Important information concerning a package can be obtained from the packageDescription()
family of functions. Here is the version of the R contributed package asbio on my work station:
[1] '1.11'
Here is the version of R used to build the installed version of asbio, and the package’s build date:
packageDescription("asbio", fields="Built")
[1] "R 4.4.2; ; 2025-01-21 02:43:26 UTC; windows"
3.5.5 Accessing Datasets in R-packages
The command:
results in a listing of a datasets available in a session from within R packages loaded in a particular R session. Whereas the code:
results in a listing of a datasets available in a session from within installed R packages.
If one is interested in datasets from a particular package, for instance the package datasets, one could type:
data(package = "datasets")
All datasets in the datasets package are read into an R-session automatically, upon loading of the package. This is because the package’s dataframes were defined to be lazy loaded when the package was built (Ch 10). To access a dataset from a package that do not specify lazy loading, we must use the data()
function with the data object name as an argument, after loading the data object’s package environment.
Example 3.47 \(\text{}\)
Here I load the asbio package to access its dataframe K
, which contains soil potassium measurements for “identical” soils samples, from eight soil testing laboratories.
The data are now contained in a dataframe (called K
) that we can manipulate and summarize.
K lab
Min. :187 B : 9
1st Qu.:284 D : 9
Median :314 E : 9
Mean :308 F : 9
3rd Qu.:341 G : 9
Max. :413 H : 9
The function summary()
provides the mean and a conventional five number summary (minimum, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, maximum) of quantitative variables (i.e., K
) and a count of the number of observations in each level of a categorical variable (i.e., lab
Example 3.48 \(\text{}\)
The Loblolly
data in the datasets package does not require use of data()
because of its use of lazy loading. Recall that we can access the first few rows from a dataframe using the function head()
head(Loblolly, 5)
Grouped Data: height ~ age | Seed
height age Seed
1 4.51 3 301
15 10.89 5 301
29 28.72 10 301
43 41.74 15 301
57 52.70 20 301
Here we apply the class()
function to Loblolly
. The result is surprisingly complex.
[1] "nfnGroupedData" "nfGroupedData" "groupedData" "data.frame"
In addition to the dataframe
class, there are three other classes (nfnGroupedData, nfGroupedData, groupedData
). These allow recognition of the nested structure of the age
and Seed
variables (defined to height
is a function of age
in Seed
), and facilitates the analysis of the data using mixed effect model algorithms in the package nlme (see ?Loblolly
R provides a spreadsheet-style data editor if one types fix(x)
, when x
is a dataframe or a two dimensional array. For instance, the command fix(Loblolly)
will open the Loblolly
pine dataframe in the data editor (Figure 3.2). When x
is a function or character string, then a script editor is opened containing x
. The data editor has limited flexibility compared to software whose main interface is a spreadsheet, and whose primary purpose is data entry and manipulation, e.g., Microsoft Excel\(^{\circledR}\). Changes made to an object using fix()
will only be maintained for the current work session. They will not permanently alter objects brought in remotely to a session. The function View(x)
(RStudio only) will provide a non-editable spreadsheet representation of a dataframe or numeric array.

Figure 3.2: The default R spreadsheet editor.
3.6 Facilitating Command Line Data Entry
Command line data entry is made easier with with several R functions. The function scan()
can speed up data entry because a prompt is given for each data point51, and separators are created by the function itself. Data entries can be designated using the space bar or line breaks. The scan()
function will be terminated by a additional blank line or an end of file (EOF) signal. This will be Ctrl + D in Unix-alike operating systems and Windows.
Below I enter the numbers 1, 2, and 3 as datapoints, separated by spaces, and end data entry using an additional line break. The data are saved as the object a
Sequences can be generated quickly in R using the :
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
or the function seq()
, which allows additional options:
seq(1, 10)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
seq(1, 10, by = 2) # 1 to 10 by two
[1] 1 3 5 7 9
seq(1, 10, length = 4) # 1 to 10 in four evenly spaced points
[1] 1 4 7 10
Entries can be repeated with the function rep()
. For example, to repeat the sequence 1 through 5, five times, I could type:
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Note that the first argument in rep()
, defines the thing we want to repeat and the second argument, 5, specifies the number of repetitions. I can use the argument each
to repeat individual elements a particular number of times.
[1] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
We can use seq()
and rep()
simultaneously to create complex sequences. For instance, to repeat the sequence 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19, three times, we could type:
[1] 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 1 3 5
[24] 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
3.7 Importing Data Into R
While it is possible to enter data into R at the command line, this will normally be inadvisable except for small datasets. In general it will be much easier to import data. R can read data from many different kinds of formats including .txt, and .csv (comma separated) files, and files with space, tab, and carriage return datum separators. Important R functions for importing data include read.table()
, read.csv()
, read.delim()
, and scan()
. The function load()
can be used to import data files in .rda data formats, or other R objects. Datasets read into R will generally be of class dataframe
(data storage mode list
### Import Using read.table()
, read.csv()
, and scan()
The read.table()
function can import data organized under a wide range of formats. It’s first three arguments are very important.
defines the name of the file and directory hierarchy which the data are to be read from. -
is a logical (TRUE
) value indicating whetherfile
contains column names as its first line. -
refers to the type of data separator used for columns. Comma separated files use commas to separate columns. Thus, in this casesep = ","
. Tab separators are specified as"\t"
. Space separators are specified as spaces, specified as simply" "
Other useful read.table()
arguments include row.names
, header
, and na.strings
. The specification row.names = 1
indicates that the first column in the imported dataset contains row names. The specification header = TRUE
, the default setting, indicates that the first row of data contains column names. The argument na.strings = "."
indicates that missing values in the imported dataset are designated with periods. By default na.strings = NA
Example 3.49 \(\text{}\)
As an example of read.table()
usage, assume that I want to import a .csv file called veg.csv
located in folder called veg_data, in my working directory. The first row of veg.csv
contains column names, while the first column contains row names. Missing data in the file are indicated with periods. I would type:
read.table("veg_data/veg.csv", sep = ",", header = TRUE, row.names
= 1, na.strings = ".")
As before, note that as a legacy of its development under Unix, R locates files in directories using forward slashes (or doubled backslashes) rather than single Windows backslashes.
The read.csv()
function assumes data are in a .csv format. Because the argument sep
is unnecessary, this results in a simpler code statement.
read.csv("veg_data\\veg.csv", header = TRUE, row.names
= 1, na.strings = ".")
The function scan()
can read in data from an essentially unlimited number of formats, and is extremely flexible with respect to character fields and storage modes of numeric data. In addition to arguments used by read.table()
, scan()
has the arguments
which describes the storage mode of data e.g.,"logical", "integer"
, etc., or ifwhat
is a list, components of variables including column names (see below), and -
which describes the decimal point character (European scientists and journals often use commas).
Example 3.50 \(\text{}\)
Assume that veg_data/veg.csv
has a column of species names, called species
, that will serve as the dataframe’s row names, and 3 columns of numeric data, named site1, site2
, and site3
. We would read the data in with scan()
The empty string species = ""
in the list comprising the argument what
, indicates that species
contains character data. Stating that the remaining variables equal 0, or any other number, indicates that they contain numeric data.
The easiest way to import data, if the directory structure is unknown or complex, is to use read.csv()
or read.table()
, with the file.choose()
function as the file
Example 3.51 \(\text{}\)
For instance, by typing:
df <- read.csv(file.choose())
We can now browse for a .csv files to open that will, following import, be a dataframe with the name df
. Other arguments (e.g., header
, row.names
) will need to be used, when appropriate, to import the file correctly.
Occasionally strange characters, e.g., ï..
, may appear in front of the first header name when reading in files created in Excel\(^{\circledR}\) or other Microsoft applications. This is due to the addition of Byte Order Mark (BOM) characters which indicate, among other things, the Unicode character encoding of the file. These characters can generally be eliminated by using the argument fileEncoding="UTF-8-BOM"
in read.table()
, read.csv()
, or scan()
3.7.1 Import Using RStudio
RStudio allows direct menu-driven import of file types from a number of spreadsheet and statistical packages including Excel\(^{\circledR}\), SPSS\(^{\circledR}\), SAS\(^{\circledR}\), and Stata\(^{\circledR}\) by going to File\(>\)Import Dataset. We note, however, that restrictions may exist, which may not be present for read.table()
and read.csv()
. These are summarized in Table 3.6.
CSV or Text | Excel\(^{\circledR}\) | SAS\(^{\circledR}\), SPSS\(^{\circledR}\), Stata\(^{\circledR}\) | |
Import from file system or URL | X | X | X |
Change column data types | X | X | |
Skip or include columns | X | X | X |
Rename dataset | X | X | |
Skip the first n rows | X | X | |
Use header row for column names | X | ||
Trim spaces in names | X | ||
Change column delimiter | X | ||
Encodingselection | X | ||
Select quote identifiers | X | ||
Select escape identifiers | X | ||
Select comment identifiers | X | ||
Select NA identifiers |
X | X | |
Specify model file | X |
3.7.2 Final Considerations
It is generally recommended that datasets imported and used by R be smaller than 25% of the physical memory of the computer. For instance, they should use less than 8 GB on a computer with 32 GB of RAM. R can handle extremely large datasets, i.e. \(> 10\) GB, and \(> 1.2 \times 10^{10}\) rows. In this case, however, specific R packages can be used to aid in efficient data handling. Parallel computing and workstation modifications may allow even greater efficiency. The actual upper physical limit for an R dataframe is \(2 \times 10^{31}-1\) elements. Note that this exceeds Excel\(^{\circledR}\) by 31 orders of magnitude (Excel 2019 worksheets can handle approximately \(1.7 \times 10^{10}\) cell elements).
3.8 Databases
Many examples of biological data (e.g., genomes, spatial data) are extremely large and/or require multiple datasets for meaningful analyses. In this situation, storing and accessing data using a database may be extremely helpful. Databases can reside locally (on a user’s computer) but more often are stored remotely and are accessed via internet links. This allows simultaneous access for multiple users and storage of extremely large data objects. Modern databases are often structured so that data points in distinct tables can be queried, assembled, and analyzed jointly. Two common formats are Relational DataBases (RDB) and Resource Description Framework (RDF) stores (Sima et al. 2019). R can often interface with these database systems using the Structured Query Language (SQL), often pronunced sequel (Chambers 2008; Adler 2010). Due to the need for additional background –provided in intervening chapters– this topic is formally introduced in Section 9.5.
- Create the following data structures:
- An atomic vector object with the numeric entries
. - A matrix object with two rows and two columns with the numeric entries
. - A dataframe object with two columns; one column containing the numeric entries
, and one column containing the character entries"a","b","c","d"
. - A list containing the objects created in (b) and (c).
- Using
, identify the class and the data storage mode for the objects created in problems a-d. Discuss the characteristics of the identified classes.
- An atomic vector object with the numeric entries
- Assume that you have developed an R algorithm that saves hourly stream temperature sensor outputs greater than \(20^\text{o}\) from each day as separate dataframes and places them into a list container, because some days may have several points exceeding the threshold and some days may have none. Complete the following based on the list
given below:Combine the dataframes in
into a single dataframe usingdo.call()
Create a dataframe consisting of 10 sets of repeated measures from the dataframe
.hi.temps <- list(day1 = data.frame(time = c(), temp = c()), day2 = data.frame(time = c(15,16), temp = c(21.1,22.2)), day3 = data.frame(time = c(14,15,16), temp = c(21.3,20.2,21.5)))
- Given the dataframe
below, provide solutions to the following questions:Identify heights that are less than or equal to 80 inches.
Identify heights that are more than 80 inches.
Identify females (i.e.
) greater than or equal to 59 inches but less 63 inches.Subset rows of
to only contain only data for males (i.e.M
) greater than or equal to 75 inches tall.Find the mean weight of males who are 75 or 76 inches tall.
to classify heights equal to 60 inches as"small"
, and heights greater than or equal to 60 inches as"tall"
- Create
x <- NA
,y <- NaN
, andz <- NULL
.- Test for the class of
usingx == NA
and discuss the results. - Test for the class of
usingy == NaN
and discuss the results. - Test for the class of
usingz == NULL
and discuss the results. - Discuss
, andNULL
designations what are these classes used for and what do they represent?
- Test for the class of
- For the following questions, use data from Table 3.7 below.
- Write the data into an R dataframe called
. Use the functionsseq()
to help. - Use
to find the names of the variables. - Access the first row of data using square brackets.
- Access the third column of data using square brackets.
- Access rows three through five using square brackets.
- Access all rows except rows three, five and seven using square brackets.
- Access the fourth element from the third column using square brackets.
- Apply
to the dataframe and discuss the consequences. - Create a copy of
. Using square brackets, replace the 7th item in the 2nd column inplant2
, anNA
value, with the value12.1
. - Switch the locations of columns two and three in
using square brackets. - Export the
dataframe to your working directory. - Convert the
dataframe into a matrix using the functionas.matrix
. Discuss the consequences.
- Write the data into an R dataframe called
Plant height (dm) | Soil N (%) | Water index (1-10) | Management type |
22.3 | 12 | 1 | A |
21 | 12.5 | 2 | A |
24.7 | 14.3 | 3 | B |
25 | 14.2 | 4 | B |
26.3 | 15 | 5 | C |
22 | 14 | 6 | C |
31 | NA | 7 | D |
32 | 15 | 8 | D |
34 | 13.3 | 9 | E |
42 | 15.2 | 10 | E |
28.9 | 13.6 | 1 | A |
33.3 | 14.7 | 2 | A |
35.2 | 14.3 | 3 | B |
36.7 | 16.1 | 4 | B |
34.4 | 15.8 | 5 | C |
33.2 | 15.3 | 6 | C |
35 | 14 | 7 | D |
41 | 14.1 | 8 | D |
43 | 16.3 | 9 | E |
44 | 16.5 | 10 | E |
- Let:
\[\boldsymbol{A} = \begin{bmatrix}
2 & -3\\
1 & 0
\text{and } \boldsymbol{b} = \begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix} \]
Perform the following operations using R:
- \(\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{b}\)
- \(\boldsymbol{b}\boldsymbol{A}\)
- \(det(\boldsymbol{A})\)
- \(\boldsymbol{A}^{-1}\)
- \(\boldsymbol{A}'\)
- We can solve systems of linear equations using matrix algebra under the framework \(\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{x} = \boldsymbol{b}\), and (thus) \(\boldsymbol{A}^{-1}\boldsymbol{b} = \boldsymbol{x}\). In this notation \(\boldsymbol{A}\) contains the coefficients from a series of linear equations (by row), \(\boldsymbol{b}\) is a vector of solutions given in the individuals equations, and \(\boldsymbol{x}\) is a vector of solutions sought in the system of models. Thus, for the linear equations:
\[\begin{aligned} x + y &= 2\\ -x + 3y &= 4 \end{aligned}\]
\[\boldsymbol{A} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1\\ -1 & 3 \end{bmatrix}, \boldsymbol{ x} = \begin{bmatrix} x\\ y \end{bmatrix}, \text{ and } \boldsymbol{b} = \begin{bmatrix} 2\\ 4 \end{bmatrix}.\]
\[\boldsymbol{A}^{-1}\boldsymbol{b} = \boldsymbol{x} = \begin{bmatrix} 1/2\\ 3/2 \end{bmatrix}.\]
using R.
\[ \begin{aligned} 3x + 2y - z &= 1\\ 2x - 2y + 4z &= -2\\ -x + 0.5y -z &= 0 \end{aligned} \]
- Complete the following exercises concerning the R contributed package asbio:
- Install52 and load the package asbio for the current work session.
- Access the help file for
(a function in asbio). - Load the dataset
from asbio. - Obtain documentation for the dataset
and describe the dataset variables. - Access the column
in fly.sex using the functionwith()
- Create .csv and .txt datasets, place them in your working directory, and read them into R.